What is Grade 13?
WECIB students are invited to remain for a 5th year during which they will continue to take classes in their current WTCC program area in addition to one class through WECIB. Students and parents are encouraged to make an appointment with Will Kincy, Wake Tech liaison, to determine the credits they can potentially earn through this option.
Students can participate in senior activities such as the senior awards ceremony, senior trip, prom, student council, etc. during their 4th year only. While they do not graduate until after the fifth year, seniors are able to participate in the graduation ceremony at the end of their 4th year.
Grade 13 course offerings may vary by student. Students will work with Will Kincy to register for the remaining courses.
Grade 13 Requirements
At the time of enrollment into Grade 13, students must have a 2.0 GPA in their WTCC courses. In addition, Grade 13 students must continue taking classes in their current WTCC program and successfully complete college classes leading toward a certificate, competitive admissions, diploma or degree. Students must maintain a 2.0 WTCC GPA and a passing grade in their WCPSS course(s) each semester in order to remain in the 13th year.
Declaration of Intent
Students must declare intent to complete Grade 13 by January of their 4th year at WECIB by returning parental consent to the dean of students, Ms. Felicia Moore. Contact her for the forms needed to complete this process.
Wake Tech Information and Communication
WECIB students must have a current Wake Tech application on file. Students are issued a Wake Tech identification number, a Wake Tech e-mail account, and access to Blackboard. All information about college courses is communicated through the Wake Tech Blackboard account only, not on the WCPSS Homebase account (PowerSchool). Students must use their WTCC e-mail account when they communicate with WTCC instructors.