Science Olympiad
Every year NCSO hosts tournaments on university, community college, and public-school campuses across the state. These tournaments are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of different hands-on, interactive, challenging and inquiry-based events that are well balanced between the various disciplines of biology, earth science, environmental science, chemistry, physics, engineering and technology. The challenging and self-motivating events of NCSO align with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as well as the National Science Education Standards. The events are designed to enhance and strengthen both science content and process skills.Meetings will be held on Tuesdays from 2:15- 3:30Tournament will be a hybrid virtual for tests and scheduled in person for construction events.West Cary Students interested in participating in these competitions should join google classroom code 6jxadwxor through this link https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk4ODI0NDkzMDc1?cjc=6jxadwxComplete the Interest survey in the google classworkYou will then receive an invite to the first meeting.Club Advisor: Mrs. Hitesman - lhitesman@wcpss.net
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