• Enrollment Caps

    Many schools have reached the maximum number of students they can effectively teach. When that happens, the Board of Education may place an enrollment cap on the school. 
    If you recently moved to your home and are assigned to a capped school, your child may be assigned to an overflow school. (Type in your address to confirm your base school.) However, you should still start by contacting the data manager at your base school. There may be available seats in certain grades at a capped school. In the case of magnet schools, the enrollment cap does not affect the number of magnet seats available during the selection process. Learn more about enrollment caps.
    Feeder Pattern Caps

    A feeder pattern cap is currently in place for Mills Park Middle School and Apex Friendship High School.

    Feeder pattern caps are different from other school caps. Middle schools with a feeder pattern cap have cap waitlists for students who are currently attending a feeder elementary school. High schools with a feeder pattern cap have cap waitlists for students who are currently attending a feeder elementary or middle school.

    For schools with a feeder pattern cap, students can be added to a feeder pattern cap waitlist as early as kindergarten. To be placed on a feeder pattern cap waitlist, a family must first establish that they are living in the base attendance area for the capped middle or high school and register their student in the Wake County Public School System. Students who meet the residency requirements in the attendance areas for a school with a feeder pattern cap and who register/ enroll in a WCPSS school will be added to the feeder pattern cap waitlist.

    NOTE: If a student is withdrawn from WCPSS or moves outside the base attendance area for the capped school, they will be removed from the feeder pattern cap waitlist. Students not currently registered/ enrolled in WCPSS will NOT be added to the feeder pattern cap waitlist.

    For more information on capping, review section B of Board Policy 4150: Temporary Membership Caps and section B of the R&P for policy 4150: Temporary Membership Cap.


    The Board of Education maintained or instituted an enrollment cap for the following schools on Jan. 7, 2025:

Enrollment Caps

  • My base school has an enrollment cap. What does that mean?

  • Who may attend a capped school?

  • What if I move into the base attendance area of a school after enrollment has been capped?

  • Where do I enroll if my base school has an enrollment cap?

  • How do I prove residency (domicile) when enrolling?

  • Will I be contacted if a seat opens up at my base school?