Computer Login Issues
WCPSS Chromebooks
1. Select "Student"
2. Use your WAKE ID to login (initialslastname ex. knbehrend) - Don't know it?? Ask a teacher.
3. Continue to enter your Password. You created it!!
4. Can't remember your PW? Try your student #.
5. Still having issues??? Ask one of your teachers to reset your PW to your student id# (Teacher tutorial on how to change a student's computer login PW.)?
6. If you're still having issues, fill out a PW reset form OR checkout WCPSS chromebook resources.
7. Make sure that you have turned in the "Consent for Technology and Digital Resources Form"?
WCPSS Computers on Campus
1. Use your student id# as the username and password?
2. Ask one of your teachers to reset your PW to your student id# (Teacher tutorial on how to change a student's computer login PW.)?
3. Make sure that you have turned in the "Consent for Technology and Digital Resources Form"?
4. If you're still having issues, stop by the Learning Commons before or after school for help from a librarian.
Return to the "Student Accounts" page
If you are at the password reset station in the LC, please LOG OUT OF ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS & return to the "Student Accounts" page for the next student.