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Graduation ~ May 22, 2024 at 7pm - Reynolds Coliseum
Rehearsal ~ May 22, 9am (mandatory for all seniors to attend)
In-School Rehearsal - May 16, 7:30am (mandatory for all seniors to attend)
Senior awards ~ TBD
Graduation Information
Required IN SCHOOL Graduation Rehearsal May 16, 7:30am, Main Gym- Bring your graduation robe - DO NOT bring your stole or cap.
- Your name will be on your seat in alphabetical order by last name when you arrive.
- This will be practice for BOTH Senior Awards Night and Graduation.
- At the conclusion of rehearsal, we will walk over to Forestville Elementary, where they will have a clap out to celebrate our graduates.
- Rehearsal will end by 10am.
Rehearsal May 22, 9am (be seated by 8:45am), Reynolds Coliseum
- Arrive between 8:30-8:45 to give yourself time to park
- Be seated by 8:45am
- Students are expected to provide their own transportation to graduation rehearsal
- Tickets are distributed at the END of rehearsal.
- All cars must park at the Reynolds Coliseum Deck - pay $10 at the event - we suggest carpooling (map below)
- Wear your shoes that you will wear at graduation
- Enter Reynolds through the side door that faces the parking lot
- Make sure you've paid any outstanding senior fees so you can get your tickets
- If you are driving, you need a parking permit - get yours here before the event to save money
Graduation, May 22, 7pm
- Students arrive INSIDE Reynolds by 6:00pm dressed in your steamed gown
- Do not be late and allow time for parking
- Lineup in your spot and check in with your teacher.
- Remind your parents to meet you outside the Coliseum after the ceremony
- Parking for Graduation will be in the Coliseum Parking Deck.
- There is construction in that area, please plan extra time to park. See the map for more detailed parking, park at the Blue Star.
- Click here for Virtual Parking Permit information
- Security
- All family members must have a ticket
- All bags entering the building will be searched by NC State security
- All students will be checked by NC State security and have to unzip their graduation gown
- There is nowhere to store belongings, bring NOTHING with you other than car keys. NO CELL PHONES
- Accommodations
- Family members in need of a wheelchair will need to provide their own, there are none available on site.
- No emotional support animals are allowed in Reynolds Coliseum, only service animals with proper documentation will be admitted.
- Student Attire - non-negotiable
- All
- Gowns are to be neatly pressed, use a cool iron, as the gowns will melt.
- No decorated graduation caps
- Wear the required, neatly pressed gown
- No sunglasses
- No cameras or cellphones
- Option 1
- Lightweight dress no longer than the length of your graduation gown
- Dress shoes
- Minimal jewelry
- No sneakers, sandals, boots, or flip flops
- No purse, handbags
- Option 2
- White dress shirt with collar
- Dark solid color tie
- Dark dress slacks
- Dark dress shoes and dark socks
- No sneakers, white socks, cowboy boots, sandals, or flip flops
- All
- Graduation Etiquette
- Allow all families to hear their student's name
- No gum chewing!! No beach balls, distracting items or shouting.
- Students who do not act appropriately will have their diplomas pulled.
Important Information
Información Importante-
Extra Graduation Tickets: Extra Ticket Request
Interpreter Request: Interpreter Request
Transportation to NCSU Graduation Practice: Bus To Graduation Rehearsal
- Graduation Day Pictures - English and Spanish fliers
Parent Meeting Information
Refer to the slides and videos below for important information from the parent meetings for graduation.
If parent/guardian did not attend a Parent Graduation meeting, they must watch the video of the meeting and complete the Parent Graduation Meeting Attendance Form.