School Community Message
Posted by Wade Martin on 10/16/2024
Dear Willow Springs High School Family,
It is with great sadness that I write this message to let you know that one of our students, Michael Scales, died last evening. Michael was a 9th grade student at WSHS. Our condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Please keep them and all of those that have been impacted by this loss in your hearts. We want to honor the family and be respectful of their need for privacy at this time.
As a parent or guardian of our school community, we wanted you to know this information. As you think about how to care for your child(ren), there are some resources that you might find helpful to assist your child through this loss. Transitions GriefCare provides free community services to help students navigate these difficult feelings of loss. Alliance Health can also be contacted for further counseling and therapeutic services. Alliance has a crisis line that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week: 1-877-233-4617.
After a traumatic event such as the death of someone they are familiar with, we can expect students to feel anxious, sad, fearful, angry, or vulnerable. They may be scared of losing someone else close to them. Through encouraging discussion, being supportive of feelings, providing factual information, and suggesting positive outlets, you can help your child be aware of and process their emotions. Every child is different, and the emotional response may vary in duration.
Our student services team has been and will be available to support any students who need assistance as they move through this difficult time. Please contact your student’s counselor in Student Support Services to let us know how we can support your student.
We will work together as a unified school community and we will support one another as we process this loss and navigate this challenging time together.
Wade Martin
Please see: Reminders of our WCPSS Memorial Guidelines