Principal Message - Oct 20
Posted by Wade Martin on 10/20/2023
Hello, this is Wade Martin calling from WSHS with the Friday Storm Report.
We are seeing an increasing number of students being dropped off early before the drop-off zone in carpool. This is leading to students crossing the carpool lanes as cars are passing by without sunlight on most mornings. This is dangerous and risks the safety of our students and all involved in carpool. Please do not let your child out of your car until you are directly in front of the school, and you've pulled all the way up as directed by our carpool staff.
Tonight is our last home football game of the season. We hope you will join us at 6:30 as we recognize many of our Seniors student athletes and marching band members. It’s gonna be a great night for football!
I would like to remind all families that all of our students in grades 9-12 have class dues each school year of $20. These funds allow us to host and pay for student events during their time at WSHS, especially their Junior and Senior years. These funds cover the costs of our proms, many senior activities as well as graduation expenses. Student dues can be paid on-line or in person at the main office. Seniors will be denied access to certain events if they are not current with their student dues.
Senior cap and gown make-up photos will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday. Seniors have to make an appointment. The link to sign up is in our Storm News section on our school website.
Also, just a reminder that tickets to the fall dance, A Night in Greece, are on sale through Wednesday of next week. Tickets can be purchased online through Wednesday or in person at lunch on Monday & Tuesday in the cafe. It should be a great event.
Thanks for your support of our school! Have a great weekend and Go Storm!