Principal Message, 12/1/24
Good Afternoon,
I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday!
Our PTA is hosting two “Doughnuts with Grown Ups” events this week. This is a fun family event that is a great opportunity for families to connect with each other and our school community. Please see the PTA bulletin and the event dates below for more details. Also, please note that due to chorus practice, the Grade 3-5 “Doughnuts with Grown Ups” event is scheduled first.
Please see the announcements below.
Warm Regards,
Katie Caggia
Welcome, Mr. James “Chip” Mack, Interim Principal
I am happy to again share that Mr. Chip Mack was named as the interim Principal of Apex Elementary School beginning January 2, 2025. Mr. Mack will serve as interim Principal until the new, permanent Principal is named by the School Board. You can read Mr. Mack’s letter of introduction here.
Cougars Care: Holiday Gift Giving Program
We still have some gifts that need to be purchased! If you are able, please consider purchasing a gift or two for an Apex Elementary School family. Gift drop off will take place on December 4th, 5th, and 6th. More details and directions are on the sign-up genius. Thank you for helping ensure that all of our families have a happy holiday season! Contact Alison Bowman, or on Talking Points, if you have any questions.
Save the Dates for Upcoming Events!
Dec 3- Doughnuts with Grown Ups Grades 3-5
Dec. 4- Doughnuts with Grown Ups Grades k-2
Dec. 11- Winter Chorus Concert at 6pm; AES Gym
Dec. 13- 2nd Quarter Interims Sent Home
Dec. 17- MOD PTA Spirit Night, all day
Dec. 23- January 2- WINTER BREAK
School is in session on Friday, January 3rd
Apex Elementary’s Vision: As a community, we will empower and inspire every child to be a confident, compassionate, and creative individual who will reach their potential through meaningful connections and student-centered learning.