Principal Message, 11/10/24
Good Afternoon,
Tomorrow, we celebrate Veterans Day. Thank you to those of you who have served, past and present, and to those of you who have loved ones who are serving or have served our country! As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 13th is World Kindness Day and we are celebrating all week! Please see the spirit day opportunities below.
Our second annual Family Math Night is November 21st! Please save the date and see the event details below.
Warm Regards,
Katie Caggia
World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is Wednesday, November 13th and at AES we are going to celebrate all week! World Kindness Day (WKD) is a global celebration day each year on November 13 that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world.
Please see the Spirit Day activities below!
“In a world where you can be anything, be KIND!”- Clare Pooley
Save the Date! Family Math Night is November 21st
We will host our second annual Family Math Night on Thursday, November 21st. Food Trucks will be on site from 5-7pm and Math games will be available from 5:30-7:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
Third Grade: CogAT Testing
The CogAT will be administered to third grade students on 11/12, 11/13 & 11/14. The 3rd grade teachers will be sending home a family CogAT letter with report cards on 11/8.
Staff Gratitude Messages
To spread gratitude and thankfulness for our Apex Elementary staff during November, please complete the following Google Form to express your appreciation for an AES staff member. Each week, a selected number of messages will be shared with the entire staff for their reading pleasure, and by the end of the month, all of the messages will have been shared. This message can be a collective message to the entire staff or an individual message to a specific staff member. You are welcome to share as many messages as you would like by submitting an additional form. We will be accepting messages until Friday, November 22.
Please email Mr. Clark at with any questions or concerns.
Cougars Care
As a school community, we want to make sure all of our families have a wonderful holiday season. If you need support in providing gifts for your children, please fill out this form and return to Mrs. Bowman or Ms. Piezer, school counselors, no later than November 15th. If you would like a hard copy sent home with your student or have questions, please email Mrs. Bowman ( or Ms. Piezer (
Apex Elementary’s Vision: As a community, we will empower and inspire every child to be a confident, compassionate, and creative individual who will reach their potential through meaningful connections and student-centered learning.