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Principal Message, 11/3/24


Good Afternoon, 


Happy November Cougar Family! November is the month that highlights gratitude, and I am certainly thankful to the entire Cougar community! In the message below, you will see an opportunity to send some messages of gratitude to the staff. I hope you will take the time to share a message or two each week. 


I enjoyed giving out Growth Mindset recognitions last week and look forward to visiting each class this month to recognize additional students for their hard work and perseverance.


Please see the weekly announcements below. 


Warm Regards,

Katie Caggia



Teacher Workday: November 5th

November 5th is a teacher workday. Students will not attend school on this day.



Report Cards

Report Cards will be sent home on Friday, November 8th.

Third Grade: CogAT Testing

The CogAT will be administered to third grade students on 11/12, 11/13 & 11/14. The 3rd grade teachers will be sending home a family CogAT letter with report cards on 11/8.

From the School Psychologist, Ms. Broadbent

Hello Cougar Families!

Often, school communities focus on teachers and administrators, and the vital role they play in children's education. During the week of November 11-15th, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and schools across the United States will mark National School Psychology Week (NSPW). The goal of NSPW is to raise awareness about who School Psychologists are and the support we can offer students, parents, and teachers.

Click here to learn more about who school psychologists are and what we do!




Staff Gratitude Messages 

To spread gratitude and thankfulness to our Apex Elementary staff during November, please complete the following Google Form to express your appreciation for an AES staff member. Each week, a selected number of messages will be shared with the entire staff for their reading pleasure, and by the end of the month, all the messages will have been shared. This message can be a collective message to the entire staff or an individual message to a specific staff member. You are welcome to share as many messages as you would like by submitting an additional form. We will be accepting messages until Friday, November 22. 


Please email Mr. Clark at with any questions or concerns. 



Cougars Care

As a school community, we want to make sure all of our families have a wonderful holiday season.  If you need support in providing gifts for your children, please fill out this form and return to Mrs. Bowman or Ms. Piezer, school counselors, no later than November 15th.  If you would like a hard copy sent home with your student or have questions, please email Mrs. Bowman ( or Ms. Piezer ( 

Joining Students for Lunch

Beginning November 4, we are happy to open the cafeteria up to parents/guardians who would like to visit their student(s) during their lunch period. Thank you for allowing students and staff the space to learn and practice cafeteria procedures and expectations during the first quarter.


To join your students for lunch, you will need to ring the doorbell and sign in through the main office and scan your photo ID. You will be given a visitor sticker that you will need to display while you are on campus and will only be able to travel from the front office to the cafeteria and back to the front office when you are ready to leave. 

Apex Elementary’s Vision: As a community, we will empower and inspire every child to be a confident, compassionate, and creative individual who will reach their potential through meaningful connections and student-centered learning.