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Principal Message, 10/20/24


Good Afternoon! 


It is going to be another exciting week at Apex ES! Thank you for all of your support of our school fundraiser and making the week so fun for our students! Personally, I anticipate being duct taped to a wall and am anxiously awaiting my fate! #Principallife


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Warm Regards,

Katie Caggia



It’s Spirit Week! Please have your students join in on the fun! 

Fun Run & After Party is October 25th!

Friday, October 25th is our AES Fun Run! Parents are welcome to attend and must sign in as a visitor. The Fun Run After Party will also be held on Friday evening from 6-8pm! 


Fall Picture Retakes- October 30th

Strawbridge will be conducting fall picture retakes on Wednesday, October 30th.

Joining Students for Lunch

Beginning November 4, we are happy to open the cafeteria up to parents/guardians who would like to visit with their student(s) during their lunch period. Thank you for allowing students and staff the space to learn and practice cafeteria procedures and expectations during the first quarter.


To join your students for lunch, you will need to ring the doorbell and sign in through the main office and scan your photo ID. You will be given a visitor sticker that you will need to display while you are on campus and will only be able to travel from the front office to the cafeteria and back to the front office when you are ready to leave. 



Upcoming Teacher Workdays: November 1st and November 5th

November 1st and November 5th are teacher workdays. Students will not attend school on these dates.



End of the Quarter & Report Cards

October 31st marks the end of quarter 1. 

Report Cards will be sent home on Friday, November 8th.



Cougars Care

As a school community, we want to make sure all of our families have a wonderful holiday season.  If you need support in providing gifts for your children, please fill out this form and return to Mrs. Bowman or Ms. Piezer, school counselors, no later than November 15th.  If you would like a hard copy sent home with your student or have questions, please email Mrs. Bowman ( or Ms. Piezer ( 

Apex Elementary’s Vision: As a community, we will empower and inspire every child to be a confident, compassionate, and creative individual who will reach their potential through meaningful connections and student-centered learning.