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Principal Message, 8/18/24


Good Afternoon! 


In just one more week we look forward to welcoming our students! The Cougar staff are so excited to kick off the 24-25 school year!  


In front of Friday’s Meet the Teacher event, you will log into PowerSchool parent portal to see your child’s teacher assignment.  If for some reason you are unable to access the parent portal, we will have staff available to inform you of teacher assignments at the event. Meet the teacher on August 23rd is for grades 1-5.

Warm Regards,

Katie Caggia

AES Back to School Information

Click here for the Slide Show


Immunization and NC Health Assessment Reminder

All kindergarten students and students new to Wake County are required by the state to submit Immunization Records and the NC Health Assessment. These documents are due by the first day of school. Please be sure to submit them if you have not done so already.


Meet the Teacher - 1st through 5th grade

Meet the Teacher for 1st through 5th grades will be the afternoon of Friday, August 23rd from 3-5:30pm. The event will be staggered over 3 sessions, to reduce crowds and assist with adequate parking for families. 

  • A- F   3:45-4:15pm

  • G-O   4:15-4:50pm

  • P- Z   5:00-5:30pm


Please enter for “Meet the Teacher” through the gym door, closest to the front office entrance, where you will be able to get information about transportation including bus routes as well as pick up carpool tags if you are new to AES. You may then proceed to your child’s classroom. 


Meet the Teacher Guidelines

  • Parents and AES students should attend;

  • Please be sure to sign in on the attendee sign in sheet in your child’s classroom;

  • Please adhere to the Meet the Teacher schedule if possible. Sessions are 45 minutes in duration. 

  • If you can not attend your assigned session, please select the best session for your schedule.

  • Thank you for your help and cooperation!


Class Assignments

On August 23rd, you will be able to log into the Powerschool parent portal to see your students' teacher assignments. Should you have difficulty logging in,  staff members will be available with this information during our meet the teacher event the afternoon of August 23rd.  


Great care and a considerable amount of time has gone into establishing class lists that provide the best learning environment for students. This painstaking, collaborative approach would be disrupted if changes were allowed to be made after these lists were finalized.  Therefore, no changes will be made at this time. Thank you for your understanding.


*There is always the possibility that new classroom assignments for some students may be necessary after the beginning of the school year, due to unforeseen changes in teacher allocations.* 



Please make sure you complete this survey once for each of your students indicating your afternoon dismissal plans for your student for the 2024-25 school year. This form must be completed by August 22. Apex ES bus routes can be found here beginning on August 16. Please review carefully as bus routes may have changed from previous years.  


Medication Information

If you would like to sign in medications for the 24-25 school year, you may do so the following times:


August 22, 12:00 PM-5PM

August 23,  during Meet the Teacher sessions


Starting August 27, medications may be dropped off after 9:15 AM and before 3:30 PM. Do not bring medications during arrival and dismissal as staff will be busy helping students and not available to sign in medications.


Kindergarten parents may sign in for medications after dropping off their student on staggered entry day if they wish.


IMPORTANT: Medications CANNOT be accepted without a new 1702 form for the 24-25 school year. Please do not send in medications/forms with students. Parents or guardians must sign in medications.


If you have any questions regarding medications or health concerns, please contact Lynn Townsend, RN, Apex Elementary's school nurse at

School Meals

During the 24-25 school year, the price for school breakfast is $1.75 and the price for school lunch is $3.50.

If you need to apply for free & reduced meals, please complete a meal benefits application

WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook

This guide helps students and families understand the rules and expectations for behavior in school, on the way to and from school and during school-sponsored activities. 

Apex Elementary’s Vision: As a community, we will empower and inspire every child to be a confident, compassionate, and creative individual who will reach their potential through meaningful connections and student-centered learning