Principal's Message 9.15.24
Updates for this week
Carpool: Every student not riding the bus home in the afternoon, must be dismissed via carpool. To help make this a smooth and efficient process, here are a few reminders for PM carpool. Parents, pay attention to the cone color you will be given and drive there and stop. Remain in your vehicle. Do not stop or report to any other cone color. Your child will meet you at that cone. If your child is not there, then staff will direct you further. Please wait for this specific direction before proceeding. Students need to be prepared to load and unload on the passenger side of the vehicle. In the morning, please stay cued up in the carpool lane until you arrive to a staff member that will safely unload your student. Do not bypass the carpool lane to drop students off in the visitor or staff lot to unload. This is not safe.
Spread the Love: Our peanut butter food drive is going strong. We will continue to collect jars of peanut butter to benefit the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle all month long. This is in partnership with Cheesecake Factory. The winning class will be rewarded with a pizza and cheesecake celebration. Ms. Pettey’s 1st grade, track 4 class is currently in the lead with 41 jars!!
Dreambox Challenge: Please encourage your students to complete lessons in Dreambox. These must be done independently, but feel free to supervise them as they work. The class with the most lessons completed during the month of September will get to enjoy extra recess.
PTA Fundraiser: Our school’s Fun Run kicks off tomorrow for tracks 3 & 4. Please consider pledging or donating to benefit our school. More information is linked in this week’s email on how to donate. Apex Leadership Company is leading our school’s efforts in this regard in collaboration with our PTA.