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Principal's Message 8.11.24

Updates for this week

First Tee:  Do you have a little one interested in golf?  Pleasant Grove is proud to once again be a part of the First Tee Golf program.  Registration for this after-school program is now underway.  The group meets once a week (Wednesdays) from 4-5:30.  The dates for fall registration are 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25.

First Tee Golf Registration


Morning Arrivals:  Please refrain from walking your child to class during morning arrivals.  This does not include our blended PreK students, where parents must sign them in daily.  Teachers need this time to connect with students and prepare them for the day.

Afternoon Dismissal/Carpool:  Every student not riding the bus home in the afternoon, must be dismissed via carpool.  For safety and security, parents may not walk up to the front door to retrieve their children.  Also parking in the visitor’s lot to get your child is not allowed.  Please do not take any of these measures to bypass carpool.  It is not safe and not allowed. The carpool line moves quickly and is efficient.  In addition, your child will not be prepared for dismissal if you do not cue up in the line.  By cueing up in the line, this announces to staff that you are here, and we prepare your child for dismissal.  I implore you to cooperate with me in this regard as I work to keep all students and staff safe.

Spirit WearPleasant Grove Spirit wear is here for 2024!  The sale is now open and will run until 8/30/2024 with a super easy way to order! Head to the website below.  Keep an eye out for the information flyer that will be sent home on 8/12/2024.

Order your Spirit wear Items online

Snack Cart DonationsThe PTA would like to show our PGES staff some love by filling staff snack carts for their August hospitality event ! Please sign up to donate snacks to our awesome staff using this link. There will be labeled bins in front of the school. The sign-up sheet is just for ideas, feel free to bring in any packages snacks of your choice!
Sign up link -

Drop off dates- Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 23rd.

Thank you so much!


Kindergarten Dental Screenings:  Annually, our School Health Dental Hygienist looks for healthy smiles by providing kindergarten dental screenings.  Please refer to the WCPSS student/parent handbook.  Good dental health is important to a student’s overall well-being and affects a child’s success and performance in the classroom.

School Dental Hygienists use a flashlight to provide a quick visual screening of the student’s teeth, unlike a dental exam by a dentist.

During dental screening, the School Dental Hygienist follows all CDC guidelines.

A letter with the screening results will be sent in student’s school folder ONLY if your child has

questionable or obvious dental needs. If needed, children with obvious dental needs may receive an additional follow-up screening by the School Health Dental Hygienist later in the school year.


Parents/guardians may contact their child’s principal to opt out of dental screenings.


If you have any questions, please contact the school’s dental hygienist, Marla Jasperse, RDH, at

919-621-2480 or


General PTA Meeting:  We would like to extend a warm invitation to all PGES parents to attend our first PTA General Member Meeting on Monday, August 26th at 6PM. This is a virtual meeting. We will be voting in the 2024-25 PTA budget and sharing updates on recent and upcoming PTA activities, as well as hearing a school update from one of our principals!

 Virtual meeting link -