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Principal's Message 4.7.24

Updates for this week

Positivity Focus for the Week:  Spiral Review

Spirit Day:  To celebrate the viewing of the solar eclipse as a school, please wear your PGES shirts to school on Monday, April 8th

Solar Eclipse:  With parent/guardian permission, students will be able to view the solar eclipse with their class under close supervision by their teachers.  Special viewing glasses will be provided for all staff and students.  Teachers have been reviewing with students safe viewing habits and expectations.  Students should not look directly at the sun while outside for this event.  We will continue to remind them of this leading up to Monday afternoon’s event.  If you do not want your child to participate, then please return the letter that was sent home last week.

3rd Grade EL Celebration:  Third grade will host their end of module learning celebration at 2:00 on Thursday, April 11th.  These celebrations will take place in your child’s classroom.  Please arrive in plenty of time to sign in at the front office using the visitor management system.  Thank you!

Upcoming Dates:  Please mark your calendars for upcoming end-of-year festivities and activities.  PTA’s Spring Fling is scheduled for April 19th.  We will have a campus beautification day on April 20th.  Our school’s field day is scheduled for May 17th.  5th Grade’s Promotion Ceremony is scheduled for June 12th.  All of these events will be here before you know it, so plan accordingly!!

April Celebrations:  We have a lot to celebrate and recognize during the month of April.  Please join me in extending huge amounts of gratitude and thankfulness for the following crucial members of our school community:

    • National AP Week, April 1-5 (Mr. Liles)
    • April is Arab American Heritage Month
    • April is also Occupational Therapist Appreciation Month—Thank you Ms. Jewett!
    • School Library Media Coordinator Day-April 4th (Mrs. Whelan)
    • Data Manager Appreciation Day, April 17th (Ms. Gillis)
    • Administrative Assistant Appreciation Week, April 21-27 (Mrs. D'Antonoli and Mrs. Cordero)