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Maverick Message for December 1, 2023


End of Semester: There are only 8 school days left in the semester and we want all of our students to finish strong! Therefore, it is urgent that students view grades in PowerSchool and submit any missing assignments and complete redos and retakes as allowed by the teacher. Reach out to teachers if you have questions or concerns about grades.Time is running out...please be diligent in meeting all deadlines for assignments. 


Final Exams: Final Exams for Wake Tech are December 7-13; Final exams for WECIB are December 14-20. Today, students received a hard copy of the exam schedule and permission to be dismissed early on days when they do not have an exam period in the afternoon. That letter is linked in below for your reference, along with a video that explains the exam schedule. Please watch the video (it’s about 6 minutes long) because it explains that students may not need to be on campus for certain days during exams. Questions? Contact Ms. McCaslin (


Coffee with the Principal:  Please join us for our first ever COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL on Friday, December 8th from 7:30 AM to 8:15 AM in the WECIB cafeteria. We will have school and PTSA updates and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. This event will be in person AND on ZOOM. The WECIB PTSA will provide coffee for those attending in person. The meeting will be recorded with a link to be provided in that day's Principal's Weekly Message.  Questions can be submitted in advance via Google Forms


Upcoming Dates

  • December 7-13: Wake Tech Final Exams

  • December 8: Coffee with the Principal, 7:30 AM, WECIB Cafeteria

  • December 14-20: WECIB Final Exams

  • December 21-January 5: Winter Break

  • January 8: First Day of Semester 2

  • January 18: Spring Semester Meet the Teacher Open House

  • February 6-7: ACT Bootcamp for all juniors and seniors

  • February 28: ACT for all juniors and seniors




Student Services Website: Please visit the Student Services page on our website, which has information about:

  • Transcripts and records

  • Registration information

  • Course descriptions

  • Grade-level information

  • NCAA eligibility information

  • Transfer credit

  • Wake Tech information

  • Post-secondary plans


Purchase a Yearbook: Yearbooks are on sale!  Use this link to purchase. 


PTSA Newsletter: Please go to this link for the PTSA Fall newsletter


New and Experienced Carpool Users (Including families that use bus transportation): With bus transportation being somewhat unreliable, there will likely be new drivers in carpool that are unfamiliar with our process. Given this, we ask all families to familiarize themselves with our processes for carpool:

  • Videos that explain our process can be found here

  • Be sure you are always entering and exiting campus at the light at the intersection of Watkins Road and Chapel Hill Road.

  • As you line up in the queue prior to dismissal, cars should line up in both lanes and zipper merge (like you would in a double-laned fast-food drive through line).

  • We ask that everyone be careful of their speed once on campus and be watchful of pedestrians and other vehicles. There have been some near misses in the last week.

  • Be patient with each other. It may be someone's first time picking up in carpool and they are unsure of the process.

Thank you for your patience and understanding of our protocols as we work to keep things safe and efficient. 


Business Partnerships:  Would you be interested in partnering with WECIB this year? One of top school to career goals for the 23-24 school year is to provide our students with a variety of work-based learning opportunities.  There are 2 main ways you can support us in making that happen. You could become a Business Partner or join the Business Alliance Planning Committee. What is the difference between Business Partners & the Business Alliance Planning Committee? 

  • The Business Alliance Planning Committee is a team of 8 – 12 members who work together to plan and implement career events for our students. Business Alliance Planning members are the backbone of the organization, providing a critical link between the professional world of careers and high school students. Members typically meet monthly at the school to work in committees developing meaningful career activities.

  • Business Partners are those interested in participating in the work-based learning opportunities but may not be able to commit the time to assist in the planning process.

Please complete this form if you would like to be a part of our efforts to create more engagement opportunities for our students and business partners. Thank you in advance for your interest in supporting our work here at WECIB.


Yearbook Photos: We  need your help! If you have a student that plays sports, please use this Google Form to submit photos that can be used in this year's yearbook. Please keep in mind that we may not be able to use all photos submitted. 


Please Join the PTSA: We have several amazing parents that lead our PTSA. Please consider joining to help support our students, staff, and families. See this link for more information.


Staff Shoutouts: The PTSA has created this form to allow parents and students to send a shoutout to a staff member. These may be published in our morning announcements and in the weekly message.