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Wednesday Words - 2/14/24

Dear Parents,


Happy Valentine’s Day! Please ask your child about our February Kindness Calendar which provides a different challenge each day such as “Say good morning to 15 different people today.” We even have some challenges for the weekend such as “Make your bed!”


Please join us in thanking our bus drivers and cab drivers during National Bus Appreciation Week. They so deserve an extra comment or note of appreciation.


For all the parents that made or brought something in for SOUPER Bowl lunch for the staff on Friday – THANK YOU!!


Something I have noticed during lunch is that there are several students who are buying 3-5 snacks each day. Those students are rarely eating the healthy part of their lunch. Please discuss with your child about their purchases and the importance of eating healthy.

Be sure to click on the Lacy PTA and Foundation information link HERE!


Grateful for you,


Sherri Miller


February 6-March 13 – Globalympics (3rd Grade, 8-8:30 a.m.)

February 15 – Class Pictures

February 17 – Last day of our WAKE Up and Read Book Drive

February 19-20 – No School (Holiday and Teacher Workday)

February 23 – Cultural Arts presentation by Donna Washington to celebrate Black History Month

February 28-March 6 – Spring Clothing Drive

March 2 – Lacy Live Event at Lincoln Theatre

March 5 – No School (Teacher Workday)

March 7– Curriculum and Connections Evening (Parents Only)

March 10 – Last Day to register for our HI Blended Pre-k for 2024

March 11 – Teacher Workday

March 25-29 – Spring Break



If students arrive on campus after 8:30 am, please come to the door and sign your child in tardy with the QR code. Students should not be coming in after 8:30 a.m. without an adult checking them in.


All WCPSS laptops will stay at school so students can use them for educational purposes during the school day and during assessments. When students are using their device, we are asking students to refrain from having food or their water bottle at their desk. Spills are happening and devices are impacted.


If you have a change of address or new phone number, please contact Emily Spooney at


OPPORTUNITIES for BLACK HISTORY MONTH · Celebrate Black History Month: Things to See and Do Raleigh · Celebrate Black History Month 2024 · Black History Month | Smithsonian Institution

SAFETY UPDATES Here is a link to our Lacy Protocols for Families to better understand our structures and routines to ensure that every child is safe and learning in our building. The district is using the CDC guidelines for COVID: Covid-19 Information


This is just a reminder that students need to have their phone and Smart watches on Airplane Mode and placed in their bookbag for the day.



How to do the D.N.A. Process when your child is very upset and not able to self-regulate their behavior

Describe – “Your eyes are going like this, your mouth is going like this, your hands are going like this”

Name – Once you have eye contact after describing, download calm by breathing. Say, “You seem…..”

Acknowledge – Say, “You wanted…..” “You were hoping….”