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Wednesday Words - 1/17/24

Dear Parents,


Thank you for ensuring your student is at school today despite a two-hour delay. Tomorrow we have our Spelling Bee and next Thursday we have our STEM Night/Science Fair. Please make plans to have your family come out for STEM Night – it will be an incredible night!

Be sure to click on the Lacy PTA and Foundation information link HERE!


Grateful for you,


Sherri Miller


January 17 – Tours for Prospective Families, 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

January 17-February 17 – WAKE Up and Read Book Drive

January 18 – Lacy Spelling Bee, 4:00 p.m. in the Gym

January 24 – No School – Teacher Workday

January 25- STEM Fair/STEM Night, 5:30-7:30 p.m. (we are working on Transportation to pick up families who live at Grand Arbor Apartments and Raleigh Millbanks)

February 6-March 13 – Globalympics (3rd Grade, 8-8:30 a.m.)

March 2 – Lacy Live Event at Lincoln Theatre -Lacy Foundation Video :, 2023 Lacy Live Recap video:




Lost and found coats and items will be in our main lobby starting on Thursday, January 18. Please come and check to see if your child has a missing coat. On January 26, we will pack up any leftover items to be donated.



We have a 1:1 instructional assistant opening in our Extended Content Standards Class AND a 30% Instructional Assistant (12 hours per week) to support 4th graders.



· Elementary schools: Universal Application for Pre-K services now open Families of children who will be 4 years old by Aug. 31, 2024 now can apply for Pre-K services for next school year. The Universal Application will allow families to submit one application to determine their eligibility for one of three different services: WCPSS Title I Pre-K, NC Pre-K, or Telamon Head Start. Deadline is June 16.



For Walkers, please remind your child to stay on the sidewalk at dismissal. It is NOT safe for them to cut across the parking lot with drivers on their phones or other distractions.


Student Smart Watches and phones need to be in backpacks during the school day on Airplane Mode. We are seeing an increase in these being used in inappropriate ways. Please help us by reminding your child that they must have these put away on Airplane Mode while at school. If you need to reach your child, please go through the Office. If your child needs to reach you, this should be done through the teacher or the office.

Here is a link to our Lacy Protocols for Families to better understand our structures and routines to ensure that every child is safe and learning in our building. The district is using the CDC guidelines for COVID: Covid-19 Information



Using positive language can help when talking with your child. Positive language alternatives:

Calm down. – How can I help you?

Stop crying. – I can see this is hard for you.

You’re ok. – Are you ok?

Be quiet. – Can you use a softer voice?

Don’t hit. – Please be gentle.

Stop yelling. – Take a deep breath, then tell me what happened.

Don’t get upset. – Its ok to feel sad.

That’s enough. – Do you need a hug?

I’m over this. – I’m here for you.