Trailblazer Times 3/19/23
Trailblazer Times 3/19/23
Happy Sunday, Trailblazers- thank you to all of the families who sent in pies for pi (3.14) day last week- our staff loved the sweet surprise! PTA spring fling Please help us to gauge interest in a spring family event by taking this short (4 question) quiz Track out is approaching soon Our final track out of the 22/23 school year is almost here. We will have an early release day on Friday, March 24th and all students will be dismissed at 1:45. Students will return from track out on Monday, April 24th. Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) The window for SSA testing requests opens on March 20th. Use this link to request testing for your student. Please remember that the link will be activated on March 20th. The testing request window will close sharply at the end of the school day on March 24th. The testing window is April 18-May 3rd. Mark your calendars Week of March 20-24- school social worker appreciation week- thank you, Ms. Meznarich for all you do! Tuesday, March 21st- World Down Syndrome Day! We will wear crazy socks to spread awareness and ceelbrate #lotsofsocks Thursday, March 23rd- Spring picture day Thursday, March 23rd- first grade geo animal zoo Friday, March 24th- Early Release day. All students dismissed at 1:45 PM Track out- March 25- April 24 Monday, April 24th- students return for the 4th quarter