Apex High School

  • Apex High School provides a supportive environment for students to excel in academics, arts, and athletics. Our students participate in 39 varsity and junior varsity sports, 50 leadership and service-oriented clubs, and a full range of course offerings including Honors, Advanced Placement, and CTE Completers. The Academy of Information Technology (AOIT), an award-winning National Academy Foundation program, provides students with opportunities to study computer science, programming, database administration, web design, and other areas in the expanding digital workplace. We are proud to be Cougars and look forward to sharing more about our school community!
    • By 2026, Apex High School will annually graduate at least 95% of its students in each subgroup ready for productive citizenship as well as higher education or a career.

    As a community, Apex High School empowers ALL students to reach their PEAK potential by enabling them to be Prepared, Engaged, Ambitious, and Kind.

    • We will create a school community that is respectful, inclusive, and supportive
    • We will engage all our students in rigorous, meaningful learning every day.
    • We will partner with the local and global communities to provide our students with relevant experiences so they can lead productive lives in a complex, dynamic world.
    Wake County Public School System will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate students who are collaborative, creative, effective communicators and critical thinkers.
    Core Beliefs...
    • Every student is uniquely capable and deserves to be challenged and engaged in relevant, rigorous, and meaningful learning each day.
    • Every student is expected to learn, grow, and succeed while we will eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
    • Well-supported, highly effective, and dedicated principals, teachers, and staff are essential to success for all students.
    • The Board of Education, superintendent, and all staff, while sustaining best practices, will promote and support a culture of continuous improvement, risk-taking, and innovation that results in a high-performing organization focused on student achievement.
    • The Board of Education, superintendent, and all staff value a diverse school community that is inviting, respectful, inclusive, flexible, and supportive.
    • The Wake County residents value a strong public school system and will partner to provide the support and resources to fully realize our shared vision, accomplish the mission, and sustain our core beliefs.
Last Modified on July 3, 2024