Student Clubs and Activities
At Brier Creek, we offer a variety of extra-curricular opportunities for students to practice critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication outside of the classroom. School-sponsored clubs meet the criteria established in WCPSS Board policy 6800 and corresponding R&P. On-campus activities are non-affiliated groups who follow the Community in Schools processes.
The clubs and activities offered each year may vary, depending on the student interest, faculty availability, community interest and availability, and funding. Meeting times and locations will be included on the calendar of events on the front webpage.
New clubs and activities will be posted and advertised as they become available via Firday Folder flyers and classroom announcements, social media, and the Principal's Weekly Message.
Information for Prospective Activity Providers: We welcome Activity Providers to provide student activities on our campus. We have classroom spaces available for before- and after-school activities. We do not have a large space, such as a gym or cafeteria. Facility reservations should be made through the WCPSS Community Use department. We will advertise the program's availability through our communication channels.
Membership and participation in all student clubs and organizations is open to all students without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or other protected classifications.