What does it mean to be a Title 1 school?
The emphasis in a schoolwide Title 1 school is on serving all students. Schoolwide programs maximize the impact of Title 1 funding in that all students in the school are served as funds are used to improve the entire educational program.
What is a family/school compact?
A family/school compact is an agreement between parents, students and teachers. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards.
In the Classroom:
As your child’s teacher, I promise to…
- Use the latest research to teach students.
- Provide open communication through folders, conferences, phone calls and notes.
- Establish collaboration with the classroom teacher for student instruction and scheduling/pull-out.
- Provide materials that are interesting and motivating.
- Help parents understand instructional practices, class expectations, and grading policies.
- Plan meaningful lessons that meet individual student needs.
- Provide a safe school environment that promotes learning and encourages partnership with the school.
- Employ effective classroom management skills.
- Promote a feeling of belonging for all.
At Home:
As the child’s parent/guardian, I promise to…
- Read nightly with my child.
- Encourage my child while they are doing their homework.
- Provide an appropriate area for completing homework.
- Engage in activities that encourage learning.
- Talk with my child about their school day.
- Attend school activities & parent-teacher conferences.
- Show respect with my words and actions for my child, other children, and their families, the teachers, and the school.
- Communicate and work with the school to encourage my child’s learning and positive behavior.
- Ask specific questions to stimulate my child’s conversational/oral language skills.
- Encourage regular attendance & limit tardies and early check-outs.
As a student, I promise to…
- Complete my homework.
- Read nightly with my parents.
- Participate in activities that help me learn.
- Participate in classroom activities.
- Ask questions when I need help.
- Help others.
- Be at school on time and regularly.
- Be responsible with my books, folders and school supplies.
- Be responsible for my actions and behavior each day.
- Be a good citizen by doing what is the right thing to do for myself and others.