Jackie Carrelhajcarrelha@wcpss.netMedia SpecialistLooking to join our Celebration Book Club and leave your legacy at GHE?
Celebrate your Milestone...it can be a birthday, in memory of something/someone or to your favorite teacher!
The Celebration Book Club is a unique way to honor your child or a loved one AND help provide popular and needed books to our school library!
When you join the Celebration Book Club, your child (on or near their birthday) will be able to select a new book to add to our library collection.
Their book selection will have a special nameplate with your child’s name placed inside the book. Your child will be the first person to check out their new book and be able to share it with their class, at home or perhaps on our daily news.
To join the celebration book club click herehttp://ghepta.org/ (you must login to your account to sign up)Once you are logged in go to Events and click the icon for Celebration Book Club! Thanks!!!Public Library Card Drive at Wake County Public LibrariesClick here for information and link http://www.wakegov.com/libraries/Pages/default.aspxClick here for the Media Website and CatalogClick here for the Tumblebook of the Day provided by Tumblebooks!