Each year before school starts, Wildwood Forest hosts a Kindergarten Kick-off for parents. This is the place to be when you want to know all about Kindergarten at our school.
What does a day in Kindergarten look like?
The schedule may look different in each room but all of these components are there:
- Morning Meeting
- Letterland: a phonics learning resource with kid-friendly letters that come to life
- Literacy Workstations: includes small group rotations that are tailored to the children's needs and abilities. They also include guided reading groups. Each teacher may organize these a little differently.
- Writers Workshop: includes a mini lesson done by the teacher, independent writing time and sharing; teacher conferences and works with students during independent writing time.
- Readers Workshop: includes a mini lesson done by the teacher, independent writing time and sharing. The teacher conferences and works with students during independent reading time.
- Math: Whole group and small group instruction
- Science or Social Studies
- Nurturing: This is a program K, 1 & 2 are doing that is partnered with Duke
- Lunch
- Snack: 1 small healthy snack...this is quick
- Specials: Rotate through Art, Media, PE, Science, and Music
How will communication occur between home and school?
- There is a green folder that comes home with important papers.
- Teachers send email for families that have it
- Mrs. Shaw, the principal sends phone messenger information to your primary phone number
What is the procedure for lunch?
Students have an assigned table they go to each day. Students who bring their lunch go directly to the table, while buyers line up to get their lunch. Teacher's help students through the lunch line but do not remain the entire time. There are staff on duty to help students at the tables. While in line students take a milk, choose a fruit, vegetable and entree. The teacher helps scoop these items. Students then see the cashier where they input their lunch number. This is a unique number that they need to memorize. We help in the beginning of the year so no need to panic. Parents are able to put on the their child's lunch account online or by sending the money into school. This way they aren't carrying cash on a daily basis. Lunch is 30 minutes long
Breakfast: Students go directly there before going to class; staff is in the cafeteria to assist students daily.
What supplies will my child need for Kindergarten?The office has a Kindergarten list. It is also linked HERE.
Please don't bring supplies until meet the teacher or the first day.