Weekly Message for 7-23-23

Posted by Justin Carrington on 7/23/2023 1:00:00 PM


Hello Pine Hollow Middle School community. This is your principal, Dr. Carrington, with the weekly family message for the week of July 23, 2023!


Parent Observer Accounts in Canvas


As of the 2023-24  school year, Canvas is the designated learning management system for all students in WCPSS. Parents/guardians who wish to view their student's course content and progress in these courses may do so by creating a Canvas Parent Observer Account. This handout provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this. If you have multiple students, this handout also walks you through linking multiple students to one parent account.


Join the PTSA


Throughout the year, the PHMS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) supports our school in so many different ways, providing our students and staff with access to many things including but not limited to additional technology tools, field trip grants, teacher grants, staff appreciation lunches, and so much more.


If you are looking for a way to support our staff and students and you are able to do so, we invite you to join the Pine Hollow PTSA for as little as $10-$15. For additional information about our PTSA, please view their webpage on our school site.


Books for Track-Out!


Ms. Ziller encourages all Track 3 students to have a few library books checked out for over track-out—books that students have selected for themselves and are excited about! Books checked out before track-out are due when students track back in. Happy reading!


Athletics Update


Welcome to a new year and season of Pine Hollow Athletics. To stay up to date, please follow our Athletic Director (Mr. Adams) on Instagram (PineHollow16) or Twitter (@PineHollowAD).


Important Dates:

  • July 25 (6:00 pm):  Fall Sports Kick-off Meeting for Football, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball and Cheer. There is a General Information Meeting with Breakout sessions with our Fall Coaches. 
  • August 22: Paperwork must be in Dragonfly and approved by the Athletic Director. If there are issues, please let Mr. Adams know well in advance. 
  • September 5: Tryouts Begin for Football, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball and Cheer


Eligibility Requirements:

As a reminder, to be eligible for fall sports, students must be in the 7th or 8th grade and…

  • Have been promoted to this grade;
  • Have passed 3 out of 4 core classes from the 2nd semester of the previous school year;
  • Have attended 85% of their classes from the 2nd semester of the previous school year; and
  • Not be 15 years old before August 31, 2023.

Students - Please continue to check the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria to see if your name is on the list for tryouts.  If you do not see your name, you cannot tryout.


Link to Athletic Website - https://wakecountyathleticzone.com/pine-hollow/  - To get to Dragonfly, please visit this site and click on registration.


Conditioning/Skills Workouts Begin Monday: Please check days and times.  Students must be academically eligible and approved by the AD in DragonFly to participate. If your child is not on the list, they cannot participate and cannot stay after school.

  • Football (July 24-27 from 3:15 - 5:00 pm): Workouts will be in the gym so dress appropriately and bring a water bottle.  Rides can pick up students in the carpool loop behind the school at 5:00 pm. Coach Newby’s email is bnewby@wcpss.net.

  • Cheer (July 24 and 26 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm): Workouts will be in the auditorium. Please dress accordingly and bring a water bottle.  Rides can pick up students in the carpool loop behind the school. Coach Sellers’ email is carliesellers15@gmail.com.