Bulldog Bulletin for the Week of 6/5/23
Week of June 5th
6/6- PTA Meeting
6/7- Fun Run
6/8- 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony at 1:00 pm
6/9- Last Day of School
PTA MEETING- June 6th @ 7 pm
Please join us for our last PTA meeting in-person or online at 7 pm.
Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/nmz-qmct-ocb
Lost & Found
We have an enormous collection of items in Lost and Found. Please make sure to have your student check before the last day of school. All items will be donated on that Friday afternoon.
Change or Update of Address
If you have moved, please ensure you share your current address with the School Data Manager, Cecilia Sanchez (csanchezguerrero@wcpss.net). Mrs. Sanchez will update addresses in PowerSchool.
Student Medications
If your student has medicine in the front office, please stop by before the last day of school (Friday, June 6). The school nurse will discard student medications that remain in the front office.
Running Club
We hope you can join us for the Briarcliff Running Club Race on Wednesday, June 7th at 9:40. Please plan to arrive by 9:30 to park, sign in by the front office and find a spot to watch the race and CHEER the runners on!! We are looking forward to a fantastic day!!! Please let me know if you have any questions (919-649-3829). Have a great weekend!! Mrs. Carpenter
Food Resources
First Cary UMC is providing food resources through the summer. The food pantry drive-through will be available at First Cary UMC's building C on South Academy Street, providing a box of produce and a bag of non-perishables. The food pantry drive-through is available the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30. The dates are May 25th, June 8th, June 22nd, July 13th, July 27th & August 10th, and 24th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Madison Kimball"
Thank you!
Carpool Tags- PLEASE SAVE!!!
As we approach the end of the year I know we are all cleaning up and cleaning out. Please do NOT get rid of your carpool tag. You will have the same tag next school year. This helps us save money and students have already learned this number.
Last Day of School- June 9th