Bulldog Bulletin for the Week of 5/8/23
5/9- PTA Meeting
Early Release Day at 1:45
5/15- Kindergarten Orientation for 23/24
5/18- Field Day
5/29 No School
6/7- Fun Run
6/8- 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony at 1:00 pm
6/9- Last Day of School
Child Nutrition Services is celebrating
School Lunch Hero Week May 8-12 with a themed week.
Monday, May 8 - School Spirit Day
Tuesday, May 9 - Crazy Hat/Hair Day
Wednesday, May 10 - Wacky Tacky Day
Thursday, May 11- Favorite Sports Team Day
Friday, May 12 - School Lunch Hero Day
I want to take a minute and acknowledge all of our teachers for Teacher Appreciation WEEK! I am so thankful for all they do every day to support the Briarcliff Community. Their job is never done and they work so hard all day and often into the evenings in order to support students. They are in meetings all the time as they look for ways to individualize instruction and reach every single student. They are here for night events in order to connect with families, they hold conferences and make calls all the time! When I think about all the careers and jobs we have, I can not think of one more important than the one they show up to do every single day. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank every single one of them and all of my support staff in the building. I am so fortunate to work with you ALL!!!!!
Mrs. Nelson
Tomorrow is National Nurse Day! I just want to give a shout-out to our amazing nurse. She helps so many students and families every day!
Hello families!
We are collecting encouraging notes for students to open at school on the morning of their first EOG. This is an additional opportunity for you to wish your students luck and remind them how much you care.
We sent these letters home in an envelope with “you are loved” paper in last week's Tuesday (5/2) folders. Please use only the provided paper to help us ensure consistency among students.
Please return the envelope and letter to school with your student by May 19th.
Thank you!
- The Student Services Team
Extra Clothes Items Needed
Parents should send a spare change of clothes in backpacks in case their student has an accident or falls in the mud. If a student does not have something, the office frequently gives kids a change of clothes. We are currently in need of new underpants sizes 5-10 for boys and girls. We also give out a lot of leggings and sweatpants, sizes 5-10. Clothes that are easy for younger kids to put on are ideal (no snaps or buttons). Thank you!
Testing Dates for EOGs
Please make sure to plan around our current testing schedule. Please understand that we have to test on the days surrounding Memorial Day due to state restrictions.
May 26: Grades 3-5 ELA
May 30: Grades 3-5 Math
May 31: Grade 5 Science & Make-Ups
May 31-June 9: Makeup Testing
June 5: RTA Testing (Select 3rd-Grade Students)
Field Day Volunteers
We need volunteers for our upcoming Field Day on Thursday, May 18. All volunteers MUST be approved by Wake County. If you would like to help out at field day, and you are not a Wake County-approved volunteer, please call the front office at (919)460-3443. If you are already a Wake County-approved volunteer, you can sign up at the link below.
Please reach out to me via email or through Talking Points if you have any questions. Thanks!
Coach Brooks
Running Club Parents,
All Running Club members should have received an order form for Running Club Merchandise on Friday. All orders must be received by Wednesday, May 10th at 3:45. Cash or checks are accepted. Please make all checks out to Briarcliff Elementary. I am sorry that late orders cannot be accepted. Our Data Manager has certain deadlines to meet, so please turn in your order.
If you didn't get an order form, please contact Mrs. Carpenter (919-649-3829). I will also put extra order forms in the office.
Have a great week.
Mrs. Carpenter
PTA Meeting Link
Here is the link to the meeting for this Tuesday at 7:00 pm: