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WES' Weekly Principal's Message 11-27-23

Good Afternoon Wonderful Wakefield Eagle Families!  This is Principal Keech, with this week's announcements.  A copy of this transcript will be shared with our PTA and archived on our website under the Principal's Messages tab.


WES' Jungle Book Rehearsals:

Rehearsals for Jungle Book begin this week today, Monday, Nov. 27th and Wednesday, November 29th. Rehearsals are from 4-5:30. Students will be called over the intercom to be dismissed from class to the multi-purpose room.


Please make sure that you arrive on time to pick up your child.  Any pick up after 5:30 could result in your child not being able to participate.


Giving Tree:

Our Family-to-Family Giving Tree is back! This holiday tradition symbolizes the spirit of the season and the giving nature of our Wakefield Elementary School Community. If you would like to support a Wakefield student in need this holiday season, please complete the form and return gifts (wrapped & labeled) by December 4th. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
That's all for now!!!!! Gooooo Eagles!!!!