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WES' Weekly Principal's Message 11-20-23

Good Afternoon Wonderful Wakefield Eagle Families!  This is Principal Keech with this week's announcements.  A copy of this transcript will be shared with our PTA and archived on our website under the Principal's Messages tab.


No School Wednesday, Nov. 22-Friday, Nov.24th


No School for all students from Wednesday, Nov.22 - Friday, Nov. 24th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.


Students and staff will return to school on Monday, Nov. 27th. 


Jungle Book Auditions are Today and Tomorrow:


Jungle Book auditions are today, Nov. 20th and Tuesday, Nov. 21st from 4-5:30. If unable to pick your child up at 5:30, you will not be allowed to participate.


Students must register to audition. Flyer for registration went home on Friday, Nov. 17th. Please contact WES' front office or with any questions.



Student Services Reminders:

Our Family-to-Family Giving Tree is back! This holiday tradition symbolizes the spirit of the season and the giving nature of our Wakefield Elementary School Community. If you would like to support a Wakefield student in need this holiday season, please complete the form and return gifts (wrapped & labeled) by December 4th. Thank you in advance for your generosity!



PTA Reminders:

*Don't forget that tonight is our BRIXX Spirit night!  A percentage of the proceeds go to our school!


*Spiritwear sales have been extended until Friday November 24th!  There are so many great options for holiday gifts!  Order today at 


We hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday break!


That's all for now!!! Goooooooo Turkeys (oops I mean EAGLES)!!