DRMS' Principal Message
Greetings Dolphin Families,
Welcome back! It was a pleasure to meet those of you who attended our grade-level academies last week. I am eager to build on those connections as we embark on this new academic year together. I am committed to fostering an inclusive and nurturing environment where every student can thrive. With a collaborative spirit and a focus on excellence, I look forward to working with you to support our students' growth and success. Every Sunday afternoon, expect to receive an email containing numerous important updates. I encourage you to consult this email to remain informed about the various events taking place at DRMS. Additionally, a text message will be sent to you, including a direct link to the Principal's Message on our school website.
Grade Level Academy Information: Did you miss our grade level academies last week? If so, please review the information shared here. English | Spanish
Single Track 4 Calendar: Durant Road Middle School follows a single track 4 calendar. All students will follow the track 4 schedule. The first day of school is tomorrow, Monday, July 29, 2024. Numerous staff members will be in the hallways during arrival to help students find their first period class. Homeroom lists will be at the top of each grade level hallway for reference. Each student will have a printed schedule waiting for them in their Core 1 classroom. Staff members will assist students throughout the school day to locate their next location, including dismissal.
Instructional School Hours: DRMS instructional school hours are 8:15 AM – 3:00 PM. Please plan for your child/children to arrive by 8:00 AM. This will allow them to prepare for the start of the instructional day at 8:15 AM. Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 AM.
Arrival & Dismissal: For the safety of our students and staff, it is important for all families to follow our arrival and dismissal procedures. We open our school doors and welcome our students at 7:45 AM. Students should not arrive on campus before that time. Walkers should leave their home to arrive at school no earlier than 7:45 AM. Students will not be dismissed early after 2:45 PM.
Carpool Transportation: Carpool is located in the back of the school. To drop students off at arrival, parents should turn right after entering the school grounds and circle around to the back of the school. To pick up students at dismissal, parents should follow the same procedures. Please do not use the front of the school or the surrounding neighborhoods to drop off or pick up your student. We will continue using the carpool number system this school year.
Bus Transportation: Families can find up-to-date transportation information (including route number and stop location) in your student’s Home Base/PowerSchool account. If your student is assigned to a bus but is not a bus rider, please submit a decline transportation form so we have the most up-to-date information.
Here Comes the Bus APP: WCPSS Transportation provides bus rider families with a FREE bus tracking system called Here Comes the Bus, which translates GPS data into an easy to use customizable map that works on a computer, tablet or smartphone. The app allows you to see where the bus is and how close it is to your stop. For more information and to sign up, click here. If you need support with getting enrolled, please reach out to our school’s data manager, Karen Bograd (kbograd@wcpss.net).
Visiting Campus & Checking your student out early: When visiting any campus, arriving tardy, or picking your student up early, please be prepared to show your government issued ID. Click here to learn more about the Verkada Visitor Management System.
Dress Code: Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance. Our guiding principles for the student dress code are similar to those experienced and expected in the workplace: attire that furthers health and safety of students and staff, enables the educational process, and facilitates the operations of the school. Parents are asked to partner with our school to monitor student attire to help adhere to the guiding principles set forth in the Student Dress Code policy. Specifically, we would like to remind students to wear clothing that covers their skin from chest to mid-thigh with opaque (non-see-through) fabric in front, back, and on the sides. Head coverings (including hats, hoods, sweat bands, and bandanas) are generally prohibited in the school building.
Electronic Devices: No student may use a personal technology device (including, but not limited to cell phones, tablets, laptops, headphones, airpods, etc.) during the instructional day except when authorized by a teacher for instructional purposes in the classroom.
Chromebooks: 6th grade students will receive a new chromebook this week. All students are expected to arrive at school each day with a charged chromebook. Students should not allow other students to use their assigned chromebook.
School Meals: At middle and high schools, full-paid breakfast will be $2.00 and lunch will be $3.75. To receive free or reduced-price meals for the 2024-25 school year, families must submit a meal benefits application online at MySchoolApps.com. Paper copies are available in the DRMS office. For families who completed the 2024-25 meal benefits application, the benefit continues for their student's first 30 school days, which is September 9, 2024. Additional Child Nutrition Services (CNS) information can be found here.
No Outside Food Delivery: DRMS does not accept food deliveries for students, such as UberEats, GrubHub, etc. Additionally, students should not carry open food, such as Bojangles, with them throughout the day. All food brought to school must be in a lunch box/bag or be kept in the student’s backpack until their assigned lunch time.
MySchool Bucks: With a MySchool Bucks account paying for a la carte items is easy. Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com or call (855) 832-5226 to enroll. You'll need your child's Student ID number, available in your registration materials or at our school. Once your account is established you may:
Securely deposit funds to your child's account
Check balances
Set spending limits
Review purchases made
Join the PTA: We are growing our PTA and we need YOU! The PTA sponsors many programs at DRMS and supports our students, teachers, and staff in many ways. Please consider joining our PTA for just $10.00. Click here to join online. You will receive many discounts with your PTA card.
Bagels with Brower: Each month, I will host an informational session for families. The meeting will be held in-person with a virtual option. Be on the lookout for dates coming soon.
TalkingPoints & SchoolMessenger: DRMS and WCPSS use the SchoolMessenger notification service to send important information to families through phone calls, email, and text messages. DRMS teachers and staff will continue using TalkingPoints to communicate information, as well as share curriculum information with you. Our goal is to engage 100% of our families on a weekly basis.
X (Twitter) & Instagram: Please follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @DRMSdolphins and on Instagram - durantroadmiddleschool to see lots of great things happening at DRMS.
Parent/Student Handbook: This guide helps students and families understand the rules and expectations for behavior in school, on the way to and from school and during school-sponsored activities. Every student receives a hard copy at the beginning of the school year. Each student is required to return the handbook form.
Student Agendas: Every Student will be provided a Student Agenda on the first day of school, thanks to the DRMS PTA. Students are expected to bring their Student Agenda to school daily and use the agenda book to record assignments. The Student Agenda also includes several policies, expectations, and school practices. It is your responsibility to read and become familiar with the information provided through the agenda. Parents/Guardians are expected to sign the first page of the agenda.
Electives: Students will have the opportunity to engage in two electives per quarter/semester. Electives will follow an A-Day / B-Day schedule for a 90 minute period. All students will take a semester Healthful Living/Physical Education elective.
Schedule Change Requests: Students may request a schedule change within the first five days using the form provided by their teachers. Please note that changes are reviewed case-by-case and are not guaranteed. Counselors will provide classroom lessons and small group sessions quarterly. Students can request to speak with their counselor at any time. Parents are encouraged to reach out with any questions or concerns. To meet with your grade-level counselor, please email or call to schedule an appointment.
Specialized Instructional Support Personnel: Meet our Specialized Instructional Support Personnel and learn more about how they support our students and staff on their department website.
6th Grade Counselor: Olivia Reuss
7th Grade Counselor: Ada Deen
8th Grade Counselor: Rotisha Hall
School Psychologist: Massiel Del Villar
School Social Worker: Orlander Bullock
Community in School (CIS) Success Coach: Johnson
Rising 7th Grade - Important! Immunizations Required: NC State Law mandates that all 7th-grade students have their TDAP and Meningococcal (MCV) vaccines by the start of their 7th grade year, July 29, 2024. State law requires that the schools exclude students starting on the 30th day of school if an immunization record including this requirement is not submitted. Please return immunization records showing TDAP and Meningococcal (MCV) vaccines as soon as possible. Immunization records may be dropped off at the front office or emailed to kbograd@wcpss.net. We appreciate your attention to this mandate.
Have a great week!
Dr. Curtis M. Brower