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Principal Message 01-24-25

Read this PTA newsletter here:

Report Cards and Mid-Year Conferences

Report Cards will be sent home on Monday, January 27. If you do not receive your child’s report card, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher as soon as possible.


As we close out the second quarter and prepare for the rest of the school year, this is a great time to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher. Conferences are an opportunity to address concerns, academic challenges, and  strategies for success moving forward.


We strongly encourage all new families to meet with their child’s teacher to review curriculum and classroom expectations for the remainder of the year. If you encounter any difficulties scheduling a meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to administration for assistance.


Let’s work together to ensure a strong finish to the school year!

Annual Language and Electives Showcase, Thursday, January 30!

The Language and Electives team is excited to invite you to our Annual Showcase on Thursday, January 30th! Students will be sharing some of the exciting things they’ve been learning in their language and electives classes.

Performance Schedule:

  • 4th & 5th Grades: 9:30–10:50 AM

  • 2nd & 3rd Grades: 12:00–1:20 PM

  • Kindergarten & 1st Grades: 2:00–2:40 PM

We hope you can join us for this special celebration of student learning and creativity.

Wiley has been named a 2025 School of Excellence! 

This prestigious honor is part of Magnet Schools of America’s (MSA) National Merit Awards program, which highlights the top magnet schools in the nation. The award celebrates schools that exemplify:

  • A commitment to high academic standards,

  • Curriculum innovation,

  • Successful desegregation and diversity efforts, and

  • Consistent delivery of high-quality educational services to all stakeholders.

The Magnet School of Excellence designation is reserved for a select group of schools that achieve the highest level of excellence across all areas of the merit award application.


This recognition reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire Wiley community -students, staff, and families. Congratulations to everyone who made this achievement possible!

Congratulations to our Literacy Coach/IF- Mrs. Keagy  

Last week, Mrs. Keagy was recognized as the BT Mentor Coordinator of the Month for the entire district. She was nominated for her hard work, unwavering dedication, and the invaluable support she provides to Beginning Teachers and their mentors, ensuring they receive relevant and practical information for growth.

Promotion Meetings February Promotion Meetings

Throughout February, each grade level will participate in Promotion Meetings with administration to discuss students who are performing below expectations. These discussions will focus on students who: 

  • Are receiving 1s and 2s in reading and math,

  • Are struggling on grade-level assessments,

  • Have excessive tardies or absences, and/or

  • Exhibit significant behavior concerns with limited to no academic growth.

During these meetings, the team will carefully review all relevant data to determine whether a letter will be sent home for students performing below grade level. Teachers are encouraged to communicate with parents if they anticipate that a child will be discussed during these meetings. Letters will be sent home no later than the last week of February.


Please note that no decisions regarding retention will be made at this time.Our primary goal is to partner with parents to ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed. With two quarters remaining, there is ample time to support student growth and progress. Together, we will do everything we can to promote our students with confidence and a shared commitment to their success.

Quarterly Review: Save the Date!

Join us for our second Quarterly Review on Wednesday, February 26, at 8:00 a.m. This will be a virtual event open to all Wiley parents and staff.


During the Quarterly Review, we will share relevant data, action steps, and goals from each of our four committees: Literacy, Math, Global, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). We will highlight the steps we are taking to achieve our schoolwide proficiency goal of 70% in all areas along with time for participants to reflect and ask questions.


The Google Meet link will be shared in the next Principal Message. Stay tuned for more details as we hope to see you there!

Staffing Updates: German and Music Positions

At this time, we are experiencing a vacancy in our German position, which has been open since we returned from Winter Break. We are working closely with the German department at UNC-Chapel Hill and have secured a German student to assist with filling in as a substitute teacher as much as possible. Additionally, we are in communication with Human Resources and a former teacher from Berlin.


Ms. Hemedinger, our music teacher,  has also  accepted an exciting position with the North Carolina Symphony. Her last day will be Friday, February 7. We have already begun the search for a candidate who can continue the legacy of excellence Ms. Hemedinger has provided during her time at Wiley.


Until permanent hires are made, substitutes will be in place for both positions. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining the Wiley team, please feel free to share this information with them. However, please be assured that we have a plan in place to guarantee that there are no lapse in instruction while we search for the best candidates to fill these positions.


Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through these transitions. 

Teacher Shout Out  

This year we want to share and shout out all the amazing things that Wiley teachers are doing for your students. If you have an amazing story to share or just want to tell a teacher how much you appreciate all they do, use this link:  Comments will be shared with the teacher and the Wiley staff.

Wiley PTA 

Help Support Our Raise Craze Fundraiser with Community Partner Sponsorships!

We’re gearing up for another year of kindness with our Raise Craze Fundraiser, and we need your help! If you own or have a relationship with a local business or community organization, please consider reaching out to them to see if they would be interested in a community partner sponsorship that will allow every Wiley student, teacher, and staff member to receive a fun t-shirt for the fundraiser's Celebration Day! Sponsors will also have their logos printed on the back of the Raise Craze t-shirts, which students take home and wear throughout the year. Click here for more information and to sponsor. Thank you for your continued support!

Mathletes Volunteers Needed

Help our 3rd graders become multiplication masters! The Wiley Mathletes program is dedicated to increasing multiplication fluency, and we need your help to make it a success. No special math skills are required - just a willingness to support our students in building confidence and skills. Volunteers are needed for 30 minutes before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to play games with our Mathletes! Sign up to volunteer here. Thank you!

Letterland Costumes Needed

The much-anticipated Letterland Parade is just around the corner, and we need your help to make it special for our EBS-Kindergartners! To ensure every student has the opportunity to fully participate, we're asking for donations of costumes or costume pieces for the following Letterland characters:

  • Firefighter Fred: Firefighter costume

  • Harry Hat Man: Green, furry bucket-style hat

  • Mr. A: Red and white striped apron

  • Kicking King: King costume

  • Yellow YoYo Man: Yellow yoyo, yellow "newsboy" hat

  • Mr. U: Police costume/uniform

If you have gently used items at home, we’d greatly appreciate your generosity. Please drop them off at the main office and label them as “Dull K”.

Help Us Create an Amazing Yearbook

We need your photos to make this year's yearbook unforgettable! Please send your pictures to and include the names of the students, their grades, and the event details if known.


For 5th grade parents, we have a special request! We’re creating a 5th Grade Flashback page and would love to feature old photos of your student. These can be baby pictures, toddler snapshots, or early elementary school memories—it’s up to you. Be sure to include your child’s name with the photo. Thank you for helping us capture these special moments!

Accepting PTA Board Nominations

We invite you to consider serving on the Wiley PTA Board for the 2025-2026 school year! If you're interested in a position or know someone who would be a fantastic candidate, please email The slate of candidates will be presented at the general PTA meeting in April, with the final vote taking place during the general meeting in May. Thank you for helping shape the future of the Wiley PTA!

Cecilia Rawlins Fund

Backpack Buddies Volunteers Needed: Give one hour and make a big impact!

The Cecilia Rawlins Fund partners with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina and the Junior League of Raleigh to provide the Backpack Buddies program to students and families at Wiley (food resources for time outside of school). We need your help to make this program work! Each Wednesday between 12-1, a volunteer picks up food bags at JLR (on Hillsborough Street and St. Mary's) and delivers the bags to Wiley. This effort only takes one hour out of your week and directly impacts many Wiley students and families! We are looking for volunteers from now until the end of the school year. Read the details and sign up here

Community News

Broughton Dance Team Junior Clinic

Who: 2nd-5th grade

When: February 2, 4:00-6:00PM; Performance: February 8 (11:00am-2:00pm)

What: Be a part of the Queen of Hearts Tradition!! Come dance with the Broughton Dance Team at the 84th Annual Queen of Heart Assembly. Registration is open and will close on Friday, January 31st. At the clinic you will learn choreography, and work with dance team members on your dance skills. Each participant will receive a performance shirt! 

Registration: ($15 to cover the performance shirt)

Questions: Contact Ms. Graves ( 


We are back and want you back!! 

Broughton dance is ecstatic to announce that registration has begun for YAY DANCE camp for rising first grade to rising eighth grade students this summer!

W H E N: June 23-27 (9:00am-3:00pm)

W H O: 25 slots for each age group: 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-8

C O S T: $300/ a student (payment plan available)

I N C L U D E S: Technique classes, team building, performance opportunities, choreography development, activities and crafts, college student teachers, BHS dancer counselors, and more!

Registration is OPEN:

If you have questions contact Betsy Graves at

Upcoming Dates

Monday, January 27

Report Cards go home

Tuesday, January 28

Afterschool Clubs Begin

Thursday, January 30

Language and Elective  Showcase 

Thursday, February 6

2nd Grade Field Trip