Principal Message 4-26-24
Read this week’s PTA newsletter here:
Teacher Workday, Monday, April 29
There will be no school on Monday, April 29 due to a teacher workday. Teachers will use this day for professional development and learning. Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 30. Enjoy your weekend.
Lost and Found
Items that have been in the Lost and Found since 3/22 will be donated TODAY. Please check out the current Lost and Found inventory. You may claim your item(s) in the Lost and Found Room in the cafeteria.
Staff Appreciation Week is almost here!
Get ready to celebrate our amazing staff during Appreciation Week, 5/6-5/10! The PTA has planned a series of events to honor staff each day of the week
Monday: We Donut Know What We'd Do Without You. PTA catered breakfast. Volunteer for carpool or bus duty so staff can enjoy their breakfast.
Tuesday: Wiley Staff Is Noteworthy. Send in cards to staff and volunteer to be a classroom guest reader.
Wednesday: Taco ‘Bout Nacho Average Staff. PTA catered lunch.
Thursday: You’re All That And A Bag Of Chips. Donate to the snack & beverage cart and send in favorite things for staff.
Friday: Your Presence Is A Gift: Send in a gift card to staff.
Let's show our Wiley staff how much they are appreciated! Sign up to donate and volunteer here.
Family Soccer Event: May the 4th Be With You!
Grab your friends and neighbors for Wiley Night at the NC Football Club professional men’s soccer match on Saturday, 5/4! It’s also Star Wars Night, so dress up as your favorite character! Special games, inflatables and on-field fun for students start at 6pm. NCFC takes on Rhode Island at 7pm.
Tickets in Wiley’s endline seating section are $25 (+a processing fee) and 60% of that price will support the Wiley Elementary Foundation. Click here to purchase!
Location: WakeMed Soccer Park in Cary. Parking: free. Questions: Allison Gray at / 919-452-4137. See you there!
Cecilia Rawlins Fund
Registration is open for the 2nd annual BBQ fundraiser for the Cecilia Rawlins Fund, which takes place on Friday, 5/10. This year we’re offering the entire meal: 1 pound of wood-smoked barbecue cooked by a Wiley Family, 1 quart of mac ‘n cheese, and 1 quart of banana pudding. All this for just $40 and can be picked up after school. Please note that availability will be limited based on the amount of space in the smoker – we were at capacity last year! Sign up will close on Monday, 5/6.
PTA Executive Committee Nominations
Nominations are open for the PTA Executive Committee for the ‘24-’25 school year. Please send nominations to The Executive Committee will be voted in at the May PTA meeting.
Wiley PTA Meeting
Our last PTA meeting of the school year will be held virtually on Wednesday, 5/15, at 6pm. Click here to join via Google Meet. Thanks for being a part of our meetings this year! If you are not already a member of Wiley PTA, please consider joining!
Spring Book Fair
Wiley PTA has partnered with Scholastic for our annual Spring Book Fair, which will be held in the Media Center from Monday - Friday, 4/22 - 4/26. It takes many helping hands to make the Book Fair run smoothly, so please consider signing up for a volunteer slot here.
Wiley PTA is immensely proud of our Book Fairy program, which ensures that every student who desires a new book at the Book Fair receives one. Through this initiative, we distribute Book Fairy tickets to nearly 100 Wiley students at each Book Fair. The success of this program is due entirely to the generous donations from our Wiley community. Help us nurture lifetime readers by donating to the Book Fairy program!
International Night
Thank you to everyon who showed up for yesterday’s International Festival. Our students did amazing and our teachers worked really hard to make sure that they were ready to shine.
Dreambox Usage
Students are expected to complete at least 5 lessons a week in Dreambox. A Harvard University study has shown that just 60 minutes of DreamBox lessons per week can fast-track your students up to two grade levels in a year. We recommend that students complete five or more lessons per week with DreamBox Learning because students who complete five lessons each week show more math growth than those who complete fewer lessons. One lesson takes about 15 minutes. Dreambox is adaptive and constantly responding to the skills and understanding of your child. Having your child complete at least one Dreambox lesson a week can help your child’s teacher better understand their need, extend their learning, and/or address learning gaps.
Monday, April 29 |
Teacher Workday |
Wednesday, May 1 |
Principal Appreciation Day |
May 6-10 |
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week |
Monday, May 6 |
School Nurse Appreciation Day |
Friday, May 17 |
Speech Pathologist Appreciation Day |
Wednesday, May 22 |
Wiley Band Concert |