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Principal Message 5-8-23

May 9 is an Early Release Day 

Tuesday, May 9 is an Early Release Day for Wiley. We will dismiss at 1:45. If you have changes that need to be made as it relates to transportation, please make sure your child is aware and notify their homeroom teacher as soon as possible. If transportation changes need to be made, the day of the Early Release include the front office in your notification.

Wiley Playground Afterschool 

As the weather continues to warm and our families enjoy our playground area, we ask that all families make sure that they keep a close eye on their children. We love that our families are able to gather on the playground after school to strengthen relationships and build community, but it is imperative that this includes keeping a watchful eye on your child. Students should be with a responsible adult at all times during dismissal and directly following it, to ensure that all children are safe and accounted for after school. Per policy, school visitors, including parents and guardians are expected to comply with all applicable school rules and Board policies. As a result, Ms. Ware has compiled a list of suggestions and expectations (linked above) to make sure that we keep our campus safe and a place that we can all enjoy. Thank you in advance for helping us in this endeavor. 


Parent Survey window closes May 12 


We need your feedback. We believe that helping students do their best in school requires a team effort and we need your feedback. Help us make your child’s school experience as positive and beneficial as possible by completing The WCPSS survey linked here: The survey window is open until  May 12. We will use this information to address the needs of our Wiley community. This is a great opportunity to share your opinions.  Remember, 100% completion will result in popsicles for all students and crazy-dyed hair. 

Quarterly Review, Wednesday, May 17


We will be hosting our quarterly review on Wednesday, May 17 at 7:45 am. This event will be held before school and lasts approximately an hour 7:45 - 8:45. This is an open invitation and a great opportunity to hear about the amazing work that has been going on with the Math, Literacy, SEL, and Global committees at Wiley. We will discuss progress toward our school-wide goals and next steps as we close the year. A platform for questions and the information provided will be shared after the meeting as time will be limited with arrival beginning at 8:45. For more details or questions feel free to contact me at

Counselor’s Corner w/ Mrs. O

Thriving through Difficult Times with Hope and Optimism

May is Mental Health Month.  We need to encourage conversation, de-stigmatize mental health challenges, and offer insights into supporting the social and emotional aspects of ourselves and our children. I hope you find this article useful. 

Kids and teens have been stressed.  The pandemic has taken its toll and no doubt parents feel that too.  Several parents have observed behavioral changes in their children including poor sleeping and eating habits, increased irritability, moodiness, anger, non-compliance, and anxieties manifesting in many ways.

There are ways to feel better.  If major changes are noticed, look for how frequently and when they occur, and consult a therapist who can suggest effective interventions.  Additionally, here are some ideas to try at home:

  1. Model calm

Children and teens pick up stress levels in their parents. So the more calm a parent can be, the more they're reassuring their child.  

  1. Focus on what's working

Shift focus from your child's worrisome behavior by paying attention to what's going right and reinforce it.  Try saying things like "You look really upset, but you talked about it, you stayed calm, and you asked for what you needed."  

  1. Create soothing spaces

 A cozy space where your child feels safe and can regroup is a healthy way of dealing with stress and anxiety.  

  1. Support kids' friendships

Connections to friends are important for kids' psychological development.

  1. Have open and honest conversations

When children are sad or upset, the best gift parents can give them is time. Sit with them and give them time; time to wait and listen to what they have to say. And be honest when talking with your child no matter what their age. That might mean admitting you don't know the answer to a question and offering to look it up together.  

  1. Build a hopeful vision of the future

Being honest and direct is actually a way of teaching your child to feel hopeful. Hope isn't about pretending that everything's okay; it's about recognizing that things can be very difficult and that in the midst of all of that, we can still find ways to grow as individuals and as a family.

As always, I am here to help. Please let me know if I can assist you further. I can be reached at school or via email at

Cecilia Rawlins Fund


The Cecilia Rawlins Fund, named for a beloved former Wiley principal, serves the Wiley community by addressing hunger and other critical needs for Wiley students and families. CRF funds the Backpack Buddies program at Wiley, which ensures all students have food resources when not at school, currently supporting more than 50 Wiley students. We supplement that program with direct food assistance to families during winter and summer breaks. We also provide one-time financial assistance for families experiencing emergency needs such as housing, utilities, and transportation. Meeting all of these needs requires approximately $40,000 per year.


We rely on generous support from donors to achieve this mission. If you are able, please consider donating to CRF either as a one-time donation or as an ongoing, monthly 'sponsor.'  Donate here. We are a completely volunteer-run organization. If our mission speaks to you, and you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to the CRF Board at

Teacher Appreciation Week

A HUGE thank you to all who showed our teachers and staff some love last week during our Teacher Appreciation week! From cereal to school supplies, favorite things to yummy lunch, and flowers to gift cards, the week was packed with many ways that showed just how much our teachers and staff mean to us.

Deadline Extended - Buy Your 2022-23 Yearbook 

Final sale date - Wednesday, May 10


We’ve extended the deadline!  Don’t miss out on the memories, purchase your yearbook by Friday, May 10. You can also purchase a book to donate to make sure there is a yearbook for every student. Yearbooks will be delivered to students in early June.

Wiley Talent Show This Friday

Final Rehearsal - Monday, May 8

Event Date - Friday, May 12 at 6pm in the Learning Commons


The time has come to witness the awesome talents of some of our Wiley students! Come to support Wiley’s Talent Show this Friday at 6pm in the Learning Commons. Be prepared to clap, laugh, tap your feet, and maybe even sing along.


If you want a sneak peek, stop by after school on Monday, May 8th for the final Talent Show rehearsal.



Artist In Residency - Michael Beadle

May 8 - 12 (5th Graders)


Over the years, Wiley has built a strong relationship with writer Michael Beadle. Michael returns to Wiley for a week-long residence with fifth graders. Students will forgo traditional book reports and reimagine beloved stories as lively poetry. 


For more information please visit Michael Beadle’s website.

Wiley Band 

2nd - 4th-grade families - now is the time to think about joining the Wiley Band for 2023-24 school year!  All 3rd - 5th grade students are eligible to join the band.

The Wiley Beginning Band meets Monday and Wednesday mornings before school (8-9) in the music room. Visit this site to learn more and fill out an interest form, and all are welcome to attend the Spring Band Concert on Wednesday, May 24th at 6 pm in the Wiley Learning Commons to see the band in action!


Questions, Comments, Concerns 

Do you have a Question, Comment, or Concern? If so, fill out the form attached above and someone will get back to you within the week, if necessary. 

Preguntas, Comentarios, Inquietudes

¿Tiene alguna pregunta, comentario o preocupación? Si es así, complete el formulario adjunto arriba y alguien se comunicará con usted dentro de la semana, si es necesario. 


Upcoming Dates


May 8 - 12 Michael Beadle - Artist in Residency (5th Graders)\


May 8 Final Talent Show School Day Rehearsal


May 9 Early Release Day

May 10 LAST day to buy the 2022-23 Wiley Yearbook!


May 12 Talent Show


May 12 Last day to purchase 22-23 Yearbooks


May 19 Kickball Game


May 24 Spring Band Concert at Wiley (Beginning, Continuing, and Alumni)


May 26 School-day Concert for 2nd-5th Grades (Beginning and Continuing Band)


May 29 Memorial Day Holiday


June 6 Field Day

June 8 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony


June 9 Last Day of School