• Career Development

    Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) program aims to prepare students for employment opportunities, advanced education and productive lives. CTE promotes best practices that enhance teachers' efforts to improve student achievement and encourage responsible career choices. We want to meet students' needs, cultivate their abilities and help them realize their aspirations. CTE courses are offered in WCPSS middle schools based on students' future career interests.

    Middle school students are offered exploratory courses in business and information technologies, life skills, technology systems and career decisions. Each middle school has a Career Development Coordinator to support the school-to-career connection and facilitate business alliance activities.

    During the first month of school, all students will be asked to take a career assessment and report their results in a Google form. From this information, students will be selected for various career development activities that occur on and off campus throughout the school year. 

    NEW for the 2024-25 school year! 

    New NC Legislation - Career Development Plans

    Starting July 1, 2024, all middle and high school students in North Carolina will need to complete a Career Development Plan (CDP) to advance to the next grade according to the new law, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-158.10. This requirement begins for students finishing 8th grade in the 2024-2025 school year. All WCPSS students will use Major Clarity to complete their CDP. Major Clarity is in all 8th -12th graders wake portal as an icon. 

    Zebulon GT Magnet Middle School: Center for Advanced Studies & STEM Career Development Website



  • Career Development Coordinator

    Photo of Barnanne Creech

    Barnanne Creech

    Hello! I have been teaching at ZGTMMS for 25 years. I taught Health & Physical Ed for 13 years and, for the past 12 years, have taught Family/Consumer & Health Science electives. I am also the ZGTMMS Career Development Coordinator. My first career was as an Exercise Psychologist /Site Manager for Health Fitness Systems contracted by Glaxo (GSK) - Zebulon Site. I received by BS- Exercise Science at Appalachian State and my MA Ed-Health Ed at East Carolina.   I grew up in Zebulon and attended middle school here when it was Zebulon High School 7th-12th grade. I have been married 31 years and have 2 children who attended ZGTMMS. My son is currently enrolled in the doctorate of Physical Therapy program at UNC CH and my daughter graduated from ECU in May and is enrolled in the Physician Assistant program at South University in Virginia and will begin in January. 

Contact Us

Please contact me

Barnanne Creech