Spring Break Health Reminders and Information about Free COVID-19 Testing

  • We appreciate your focus on safety protocols to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. Coming back from Spring Break, we want to remain vigilant in our collective effort to keep our campuses and community safe.

    We must continue doing all we can to limit everyone’s risk of exposure to COVID-19 and remain vigilant in practicing the 3 Ws: 

    • Wear a face covering.
    • Wait apart to maintain social distancing.
    • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer if water and soap aren’t available.

    Spring Break Exposures and COVID-19 Testing

    If you have been in close contact during the break with people who do not live with you, we encourage you to get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. Testing now could help reduce potential spread from people who may have caught the virus but don’t have symptoms. It's important for us all to remember that a negative test result simply means you did not have COVID-19 on the day you were tested.

    To find sites in Wake County offering free COVID-19 testing, visit wakegov.com/testing. The NC Department of Health and Human Services also has an online tool to help you find a convenient testing location.

    It’s easy to get tested.

    1. Find your closest testing location or check with your healthcare provider.
    2. To ensure you receive your test results before we return, schedule your test as soon as possible.
    3. You do not have to share your testing information or negative results.

    COVID-19 Case Reporting Over Spring Break

    During Spring Break, families do not need to notify the school about COVID-19 cases. If you need to report a COVID-19 case during the spring break, stay home and contact the Wake County COVID Hotline at 919-250-1500 and identify yourself as a WCPSS student or employee to receive further instructions. Contact tracing and notifications will be handled by the local health department. WakeGov.com has a list of free testing locations throughout Wake County. It is okay for a student to miss school until they have received guidance from a healthcare professional. You should resume reporting COVID-19 cases to your school starting Tuesday, April 6 and only need to report cases that occur after Monday, April 5.

    Stay Home When Sick

    If your student or someone in your household is diagnosed with COVID-19, stay home and notify your principal as soon as possible. 

    Please remember that WCPSS guidelines require your student to stay home if they or another member of your household are sick. For information about when they may return to school after they or a household member has been sick, view wcpss.net/WhenToReturn.

    Reminders for People Who Have Been Vaccinated

    As a reminder, the CDC stresses that you are not fully vaccinated until two weeks after the final required dose of the vaccine. (For Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, two weeks after your second shot. For the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, two weeks after your single shot.) If it has been less than two weeks since your final required dose of the vaccine, you are not fully protected. Even after you are fully vaccinated, you should continue to follow the 3 Ws.

    This collective effort will help ensure a strong and healthy return to our campuses and worksites. Thank you all for your continued dedication to keeping our community healthy while helping meet the needs of students.