UPDATE April. 9, 2021 - Transportation Reminders
Bus service will be provided to eligible students who have been assigned a seat. Bus information is available in Powerschool for students assigned to a bus. The health attestation form is no longer required to ride the bus.
Updated Health and Safety Measures
We need everyone to follow these procedures:
- Students should wait six feet apart and wear face coverings while waiting at the bus stop.
- All students riding a bus or vendor transportation must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth at all times while on the bus.
- Students will board the bus one at a time, seating themselves in the rearmost seat available unless otherwise directed by the bus driver.
- Students should sit one to a seat on high school buses; siblings are allowed to share a seat.
All transportation vehicles will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Bus routes
To find your route online, go to www.wcpss.net/routes. Look for your student’s school on this page and click the link to view available routes. Find the stop nearest your residence for your stop location. You also should have received your student’s transportation route, stop and estimated bus arrival time by email. It is also available in your student’s Home Base/PowerSchool account. If you do not have an account, you can sign up at your student’s school. More information on Home Base is available at www.wcpss.net/student-information. Families that do not have access to the internet should check bus routes at their school.
Crossing the Street to Board the Bus
To keep your child safe, please review these bus stop boarding processes, including the instructional video. Make sure to review with your child prior to riding the school bus.
Thank you for your support of the Wake County Public School System.