Nov. 5, 2020 - Athletics Updates and Reminders About Health and Safety Protocols
The following are important updates regarding high school athletics in the Wake County Public School System, as well as reminders about our health and safety protocols.
To protect the health and safety of our students, parents and employees, spectators will not be permitted at athletic practices or competitions for an indefinite period of time.
As an alternative, athletic directors will be sharing information about a live-streaming service that will be in place for competitions held in gyms or in outdoor stadiums. Additionally we are investigating options to stream events held at other locations.
We understand that parents want to see their student-athletes compete. However, our top priority will always be the health and safety of our community. Reducing the potential for COVID-19 cases related to athletics increases the chances that we will be able to continue athletic activities this school year so that our students can participate.
We will not be offering STUNT this school year. In addition to concerns about the close contact required for the sport, there likely would be a shortage of participants. Most STUNT athletes also participate in cheerleading, and the compressed athletics schedule would create an overlap in the seasons, which would not allow adequate time to safely prepare to participate.
Wake County Track Meet and Wake County Cheerleading Competition
These two competitions have been cancelled for this school year to avoid large gatherings of student-athletes from multiple schools.
Important Reminders Regarding Health and Safety Protocols
Recently there have been confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 among student-athletes at a number of schools.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the health and safety protocols we have put in place to protect our student-athletes and staff.
It is essential that everyone - student-athletes, coaches and trainers - follow these protocols strictly and consistently if athletic activity is to continue.
- Remind your student-athletes and their parents to pre-screen before leaving their home. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher or who has other COVID-19 symptoms such as a new cough or loss of sense of taste or smell, must stay home. Review home screening protocols.
- Students must be screened before entering the facility, no exceptions. Review screening protocols.
- Everyone must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth at all times, unless they are a student athlete engaged in athletic activity. It is the coaches’ responsibility to enforce this. Review face covering protocols.
- Coaches should set up workouts to promote as much social distancing as possible, even during activity.
- Indoors, groups sharing the same space (i.e. a gymnasium) are not to exceed 25 individuals. That includes both student-athletes and coaches.
- Outdoors, groups sharing the same space (i.e. the same field) are not to exceed 50 individuals, including both student-athletes and coaches.
- Remind players that high-fives, fist bumps, handshakes, and other forms of direct physical contact are not allowed. Review social distancing protocols.
- All athletic equipment, including balls, must be cleaned frequently and prior to use by another pod.
- Students, coaches and trainers must immediately report a positive COVID-19 case.
- Anyone with prolonged exposure to a person with COVID-19 must quarantine for 14 days.
- Attendance must be taken and records maintained of the groupings to facilitate contact tracing, if required. Review protocols for suspected, presumptive, or confirmed positive cases of COVID-19.