It will be a very new and different kind of “back to school,” at least in the beginning, as we kick off the 2020-21 school year
The first two weeks of this year will be an orientation period. Teachers will be assisting students with settling into this new learning environment. If your child is having issues with your school’s scheduling and other needs, we need you to know that that is OK. We will work with students to ensure their learning is progressing appropriately.
Expectations, Attendance, and Scheduling
What will be different this year than from when we switched to remote learning in March, is that we have a completely new set of expectations. This will be school as we know it for the time being. As such, expectations for attendance and participation will be as if students are attending school in person.
Attendance will be taken - again with flexibility as key. Students who have a two-way interaction with a teacher such as a virtual classroom meeting, email or phone call, and/or are turning in daily assignments will be counted present.
The learning schedules are designed to strike a balance between consistency and flexibility to meet the needs of all students/families. To maximize outcomes and impact of learning, these schedules allow families to support learning. Locate your child's schedule under Academics and Programs---Grade Levels.
We know that not every student will have connectivity on the first day of school. Our teachers and support staff will work with students to catch them up once they are connected. Your child will not be penalized for getting started later than others. Teachers will show students how to access their learning platforms, but the documents below offer general instructions that may be helpful to troubleshoot.
Learning Space
Here are some things for you to think about when you are establishing your learning routine and preparing your learning space.
- Develop a daily routine. Stick to it. Be sure your routine includes breaks, time to be active, and time to eat lunch
- Have a learning space. Use this space when it's time to learn.
Be sure your learning space includes what you need to learn, including an electronic device, paper, pencils, or any other curriculum materials that your teacher provides. Please utilize the schedule to assist in developing your daily schedule.