Root families,
Here is the procedure for morning and afternoon carpool. Please do not park in the staff parking lot off Lassiter to pick up students. They will have to be picked up in carpool.
Morning Drop Off:
Carpool students should be dropped off at the front of the school in the carpool loop area. Drop off may begin when the school staff are stationed on duty at 8:45 a.m. Students should not be released from vehicles prior to 8:45 a.m. After students exit a vehicle, vehicles should remain in a single file line and exit the carpool loop and the school parking lot. Due to the large amount of pedestrian traffic in the mornings, passing stopped vehicles is not safe and is not allowed in the carpool loop.
It is important to remember that instruction for students begins at 9:15 a.m. All students should arrive at school with time to get to their classrooms and be ready to work by 9:15 a.m. Carpool students wishing to eat breakfast should be dropped off no later than 8:55 a.m. The cafeteria stops serving breakfast at 9:10 a.m. If your child arrives after the 9:15 a.m. tardy bell, you must park and escort your child to the front office and sign your child in for the day. An adult is required to sign students in or out once the school day has begun. Late students are not admitted to class without a tardy slip from the front office.
Afternoon Dismissal:
Carpool students must have a carpool number. This number should be prominently displayed in the front windshield for safety identification during dismissal. Each family will be issued two carpool tags.
At the end of the school day, carpool students will be released from their classrooms when their carpool number is displayed on the screen. Families should work with their students to learn the carpool number to expedite the dismissal process.
To ensure the safety of our students, carpool students WILL NOT be dismissed from front office between 3:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Students will only be released into vehicles displaying the school issued carpool tag. Individuals missing school issued carpool numbers may park in the parking lot and then check students out in the front office by showing proper identification. For security, students will only be released to individuals listed on the child’s locator card and if necessary, we will hold the child at school until a parent/guardian can be contacted.
Although the first few weeks of carpool dismissal may be a bit slow going, when everyone follows procedures, the process becomes a safe and efficient way to dismiss students.
Below is the map of our carpool traffic pattern: