These Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) can provide answers to many common questions about BYOD at Heritage Middle School.
What is the purpose of BYOD?
HMS BYOD is available to students to support learning, enhance instruction, and provide the best possible outcome for student success. -
How is BYOD going to be useful to students and teachers?
BYOD allows for students to learn the way they live. BYOD is available to students to support learning, enhance instruction, and provide the best possible outcome for student learning. BYOD empowers each student to be a responsible citizen of the 21st century. More importantly, BYOD supports our school mission. -
What devices can be used in HMS BYOD?
Heritage Middle School defines “devices” as privately owned wireless and portable electronic devices that can be used for wireless Internet access, word processing, image/video capturing, sound recording, reading, and information transmitting. No particular or specific device is endorsed or required. -
Who decides when students use BYOD?
BYOD will be used for instructional purposes only. Teachers will communicate to students when BYOD is appropriate, using the traffic light outside their door. -
Will teachers force students to use his/her device and/or install apps?
Student-owned device usage is voluntary and will never be mandated by teachers. Teachers may request that students install apps, but will never require an app to be installed. The only standard for devices is that they must have a web browser for World Wide Web access. Any apps teachers request students to install will be free apps, never paid apps. Students will need to use their own accounts to install apps on the device. Teachers are highly encouraged to only use web or cloud based resources. -
Can students share devices?
Students understand they are prohibited from using any student's device other than their own. It is clearly written in the contract that students are responsible for their own device(s). -
If a student does not have a BYOD device, what do they do while those that have one are using their device?
BYOD is not designed for a 1:1 ration. Teachers are designing instruction that is collaborative in nature. School owned devices (iPads and laptops) are being used to supplement if needed. If technology is used to enhance a lesson, the teacher will make sure devices are equitable throughout the lesson. Teachers will be learning about the capacity of different devices. -
Is an iPod touch or old smartphone useful as a BYOD device?
Any privately-owned device, with a web browser, cable of connecting to the school BYOD Wi-Fi Network may be used. -
How do students participate in BYOD?
Students and parents will sign the HMS BYOD Contract and return it to their homeroom teacher. -
What is the Wake County Public School System's stance on electronic devices at school?
Board Policy 3225/4312/7320 and 3225/4312/7320 R&P, governs the use of devices at school and defines students’ proper conduct and responsibilities while using WCPSS electronic information resources and tools. -
Is my child able use their e-reader without a BYOD signed contract?
No. BYOD rules apply and a signed contract must be on file. -
Can the contract be accepted with an addendum/additions?
No. Student/Parent BYOD contracts are only accepted as written. Modifications are not permitted. -
What happens if students misuse their device?
BYOD is a privilege. There will be consequences for not following proper BYOD classroom procedures. -
What happens if a device is lost or stolen?
By allowing a student to bring a device to school, the parent assumes liability for any damages or theft. School administration will investigate the issue and follow student conduct policy if needed. Students take full responsibility for their devices. Personal technology should not be left on campus before or after school and should never be left unattended. -
What technology support is provided?
Students are responsible for troubleshooting their own devices. No staff member is permitted to touch or provide technical support for a student-owned device. -
What network will my student's device attach to for BYOD?
HMS has a separate network specifically for BYOD. The SSID is WAKE-BYOD. This network will have to be manually entered into the device and will not show up when searching for available networks. -
Can students be on their 3G/4G/LTE network (personal data plan) before and after school hours?
While on school property, students should only be attached to the WAKE-BYOD network. Use of any other network is prohibited, as stated in the BYOD contract. -
Can students just continue to use the current Wi-Fi network?
At this time the Lunenburg WiFi password will not be changed. However, students are required in the contract to only use the WAKE-BYOD network during school hours. The WAKE-BYOD network will be better for their devices, as this network is designed for BYOD and mobile devices. -
Can BYOD devices be re-charged at school?
HMS is not responsible for providing facilities to charge devices. Devices are expected to be charged at home and put away if the battery loses its charge. -
How can you ensure that students are not texting and are appropriately using their device?
Teachers will monitor student use of devices. BYOD is incorporated into our school policies and procedures. Improper use will be treated the same as other inappropriate behaviors. -
If a student or staff member touches a devices and drops/ruins it; will the device be reimbursed?
Situations involving damage will be dealt with on a case by case basis depending on the circumstances. No staff member is permitted to touch a student device, unless it is being confiscated for inappropriate use. Students are only allowed to touch their own device. According to the HMS BYOD Contract, students are responsible for their own device. -
Are students permitted to be on their devices during lunch in the cafeteria?
No, the cafeteria is an "Off Limits Zone," and usage is not permitted. Device usage is also not permitted in restrooms, locker rooms, hallways, homeroom, or dismissal.