Frequently Asked Questions
How do we apply to Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies? Our application period is mid-October through mid-December of the year prior to when you'd like to attend. For most students, this means that they are applying in the fall of their 8th grade year in order to attend their freshmen year. Check our website during the application window for more information.
What is required as part of the application to attend Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies? The application asks for two years worth of test scores and grades (if you are a student in Wake County Schools, we will automatically get this information from PowerSchool), as well as a student essay. In addition, students will need to secure three recommendations from staff at their current school. The application is accessed through an online portal. Check our website in October for specific information.
Can my student double-up in math and take math every semester? Answer: No. The Wake Tech course load is substantial and doesn't leave room for extra high school courses other than what they need to graduate. The only exception to this is for students taking Math 1 as a 9th grade student. These students will take Math 1 and Math 2 in 9th grade.
Can my student take higher levels of a world language? Answer: Possibly. Students will likely only have room in their schedule for two levels of a world language (we only offer Spanish). Students with a background in Spanish can take a placement test to assess their level of fluency and will take the level that is appropriate for their skill. For example, a student whose native language is Spanish may test into level 3. In this case, the student would be able to take level 3 and level 4 of Spanish to equal two credits.
Can my student take any class that Wake Tech offers? No. Students can only take courses that are part of their assigned program of study.
If I complete the Association of Applied Sciences Degree, will it transfer to any college? No. The automatic transfer of the degree is not guaranteed unless the student transfers to a school on this list. Other colleges and universities may accept some WTCC credits, but you will need to contact the schools that you are interested in to find out what they will accept.
Can students drive themselves to school? Students who are licensed drivers are allowed to drive to school. There is no charge for parking, but the student will need to complete a parking application and get a parking decal from campus police (located in the main building at the RTP campus). They will need to show their license and registration to get the decal. More information available at our front desk.
Can students go off-campus for lunch? Only juniors and seniors are allowed to go off-campus for lunch.
How do I request bus transportation? Go to the district's transportation website to request bus transportation.