School Improvement

  • The purpose of school improvement is to improve achievement and outcomes for every student by working to eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.

    We do this by collaboratively and continuously analyzing data and making decisions considering the unique needs of the learning community and the district's strategic plan.

    View progress reports for each school.

  •  Our school's School Improvement Team members were elected on September 9th, 2024 and are listed below:


    Trinity Kelly, Principal

    Ryan Emelle, Assistant Principal

    Tamika Henry, Administrative Intern/Instructional Facilitator 

    Melanie Cox, Magnet Coordinator

    Querranda Royster-Herring, Magnet Literacy Coach

    Jessica Currin, Senior Administrator to the North Eastern Area Superintendent

    Dr. Kim Burton, Director of Title I 

    Amanda Sbarra, Kindergarten

    Lauren Holloway, 1st Grade Teacher

    Kim Grande, 2nd Grade Teacher

    Jennifer Graham, 3rd Grade Teacher

    Shernise Whiting, 3rd Grade Teacher

    Kelsey Wittman, 4th Grade Teacher

    Faith Echebiri, 4th Grade Teacher

    Samantha Carter-Palmer, 5th Grade Teacher

    Kelly Gentry, School Counselor

    Alura Lanoza, School Counselor

    Janna Martin, Preschool Self-Contained

    Countess Smith, Parent

    Deborah Miles, Instructional Assistant

    Michelle Pacifici, Specialist

    Melody Daniels, Intervention Teacher

    April Stephenson, Math Coach

    Julie McSherry, CCR Teacher

    SIP Team Elected: 9/9

    SIP meetings for this school year will be held in the media center at 7:40 AM on the following dates:

    8/26, 8/27, 9/9, 9/20, 10/11, 10/21, 11/5, 11/15, 12/2, 12/13,

    1/6, 1/21, 2/3, 2/17, 3/3, 3/14, 4/14, 4/28, 5/2, 5/16, 6/16

    The Quarterly Review meetings will be held in the media center at 7:40 AM on the following dates:

    11/5, 1/21, 4/14, 6/16



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