HES HERO 8.16.2024 - ALL Tracks In Carpool, Parent Powered - Wake Up and Read, School Lunch & Vision Screenings
HES HERO 8.16.24
At HES we are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that partners with families to promote high expectations, critical thinking, and the belief that other people matter. ALL students will leave HES equipped to be global life-long learners who are advocates for change.
Upcoming Dates
August 20 Fall Picture Day
August 26-30 Book Fair
August 27 HES Cultural Arts Night 5:00 - 7pm
Sept 2 NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Sept 6 Quarter 1 Ends (Tr 1)
Track Out Day for Tr 1
Sept 12 Tr 4 Sept Birthday Lunch
Sept 27 Quarter 1 Ends (Tr 3 & 4)
Track Out Day for Tr 4
Sept 30 Tr 1 & 3 Sept Birthday Lunch
We look forward to having ALL TRACKS IN starting on Monday! With that comes slower and longer carpool times - please read the carpool reminders below carefully. We hope to see everyone on August 27th from 5-7pm for our Cultural Arts Night and Book Fair. It is sure to be a fun evening! We appreciate everyone who has already joined the PTA and signed up to volunteer for various events and we hope you will continue to do so.
Carpool - ALL Tracks In!
With all tracks in, we will see an increase in carpool traffic! We encourage you to carpool with neighbors and friends whenever possible to minimize the number of cars on campus. YOU MUST have carpool tags for all students you are picking up.
In the morning, please plan to come early. As a reminder, we do close the gate at 8:25am and students will then need to check in at the front office after this time. If we make the decision to split traffic, we will do so when another staff member comes to direct traffic DO NOT begin exiting students at the front of the building from cars unattended without a staff member present
While in the carpool line, stay off of your phone and be present and pay close attention to traffic flow for the safety of all students and staff. Be mindful of staff members directing traffic and moving cars through lanes and follow their directives.
Once you are in a lane, please stay in that lane. As cars begin to move, it may appear that other cars are getting in front of you. Rest assured that we have a system in place that allows us to keep track of numbers as cars arrive, and we dismiss the children in that order. If you switch lanes, that changes the order, and you will end up waiting longer.
If you are in the lane that backs up to the back of the middle school parking lot where buses go, please leave a space in the line so that buses can get through. When buses can’t get through that backs us up.
Thank you for your help in keeping the carpool line moving quickly and safely!
Crosswalk - If you stop in the vicinity of the crosswalk in the carpool line, please leave it clear for our walkers to safely cross!
Vision Screenings 1st/3rd/5th Graders
In Wake County schools, all 1st, 3rd and 5th graders are screened for possible vision issues. Our vision screenings will take place the week of Aug 26th. If your child wears glasses, we want them to have their glasses everyday, but it is especially important for the screening. If your child does not pass the vision screening, the school nurse will contact you. Thank you.
Parent Powered - Educational Tips
WAKE Up and Read is a community coalition of 30+ agencies in Wake County committed to ensuring that ALL children across Wake County read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade. As the local affiliate of the National Campaign for Grade Level Reading, we focus on three key areas: school readiness (birth-5), learning opportunities (K-5), and engaged families. (https://wakeupandread.org/)
WAKE Up and Read encourages families to sign up for Parent Powered - a free, text message program that is available for parents and caregivers of babies and children up to 10 years old. Text messages are available in multiple languages and provide facts, tips, and activities that are fun and easy to do at home.
Apply for Free and Reduced Price School Meals
Due Date is TODAY 8/16 for TRACK 1 and 8/9 for TRACKS 3 & 4
In order to receive free or reduced-price meals for this school year, families need to submit a meal benefits application. All families must complete a new application for the 2024-2025 school year in order to receive benefits. Please allow 10 business days for processing.
Please complete a 2024-2025 meal benefits application so our school can be eligible for extra funding. If you have not completed a free or reduced-price meal application and think your child may be eligible, please apply online or request a paper copy from the main office. Paper applications can also be requested by calling 919-588-3535 or 919-856-2920 or emailing cnsmealbenefits@wcpss.net.
PTA News
Facebook Group
In order to be able to safely share dates of upcoming events for HES, we have opted to open a private facebook group. You can join by clicking this link. General information will still be shared via the HES Facebook Page.
GoPlaySave KickOFF
We’re thrilled to kick off our first fundraiser of the year onAugust 12th with the GoPlaySave coupon books! These popular books are a win-win: families get to save money while helping us raise funds for a great cause. This fundraiser will run from August 12-Sep 7.
Here’s the scoop: all the funds raised from this fundraiser will go directly towards lowering the cost of field trips. We’ve set an ambitious goal of raising $8,000. Given that the annual cost of field trips for our school is around $9,600, reaching this goal will significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses for our families—and exceeding it would be even better! Let’s make this fundraiser a success and help make field trips more affordable for everyone!
The PTA has notified us that a total of 4 more volunteers are needed for the GoPlaySave Kickoff on August 12 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. If you’re available, please sign up HERE.
Book Fair
The Book Fair is just around the corner, and the kids are always excited to pick out new books! We’re looking for class representatives for both our LOOK and BUY days. Shifts are only 45 minutes, and you can sign up for multiple slots if you’re able.
Check out the available shifts HERE.
To see when we’ll be LOOKing and BUYing, take a peek at this LINK.
The PTA is dedicated to ensuring that every child who wishes to receive a book has the opportunity to do so, regardless of financial circumstances. To support this effort, we have set up an HES Wallet for donations. If you would like to contribute and help us provide books to all students, please use this LINK. Your generosity will ensure that every child can enjoy the gift of reading.
Restock the Teacher’s Lounge (track 1 only)
It’s time for our first Restock the Teacher Lounge of the year! From August 19 to August 23, we’re collecting grab-and-go items to keep our teachers fueled and happy. If you are able to contribute, items can be dropped off in the office or sent in with your student. We appreciate how much you make our teachers feel special! This will be the only donation all year for Track 1. Sign up HERE to donate.
We’re excited to give a huge shout-out to our generous sponsor for Track 1’s Restock the Teacher's Lounge: PROPERTY SPECIFIC REALTY! Their support helps us keep our teachers’ lounge stocked with essentials, ensuring our amazing teachers are well taken care of.
If you’re considering buying or selling a home, we highly recommend reaching out to Andrea Cummings at PROPERTY SPECIFIC REALTY. You can contact Andrea directly at andrea@propspecific.com or 603-560-3038 for expert assistance and personalized service.
PTA Meeting
The first general PTA meeting will be October 8 in the media center at 6 pm. We had such a great turnout at our first PTA meeting so thank you very much!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your unwavering support of your children, their teachers, and our school. Your involvement makes a world of difference!