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Principal's Message January 5, 2025 (HMS way, HS On the Horizon, Elective Supply List, Yearbooks, Spring Tryouts, PTA Mtg, Spirit Night and Wear)

Happy New Year Patriot Families!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with friends and family.  A warm welcome back to track 1 as it has been a long time.  Track 3, you have a quick return and then you will have a track out January 27 - February 14.  Track 4, enjoy your continued break and we will see you back Monday, January 27!


HMS Way! 

Any time after a break, it is always good to kindly remind students of our expectations; we call it following the HMS way.  On Monday, January 6, we will review “H”aving respect for all, “M”aking ourselves accountable, and “S”howing safe and responsible actions, and what that looks and sounds like in all locations in the building.  

Please review with your child the WCPSS dress code, specifically clothing be worn that covers from chest to midthigh, covers undergarments, and does not depict violence, alcohol or profanity.  Thank you!

At HMS, we are committed to creating an environment where students can fully engage in their learning without unnecessary distractions. To support this, we are reminding all students to keep their cellphones and earbuds put away during instructional time (8:20 - 3:05) unless a teacher explicitly permits their use for a class activity.  After the reminder on Monday, any time cell phones are being used or earbuds in, without permission, the device will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day, if there is a second time, parents will pick the device up from the main office.  Thank you for helping us adhere to focused instructional time.  


High School On the Horizon (8th grade families - please save the date!)

On Tuesday, January 14 from 6-7PM in the auditorium, we will host our "On The Horizon" High School Information presentation for our current 8th-grade families. During this presentation, families will learn about important registration timelines, course registration procedures, graduation requirements, class recommendation guidelines, and more. 


School Supply Lists for Next Semester's Electives

Friendly reminder to please check the elective supply list since most students will get new electives tomorrow.  


Yearbook Ordering

Order a yearbook today! To order, go to and use Yearbook ID Code 14402325. Please order no later than March 29th. No extra yearbooks will be available. 

Do you have a great picture you'd like to submit for possible inclusion in the 24-25 HMS Yearbook?  If so, please use this form to submit the photo for consideration.



Tuesday, January 7th is our next home basketball game against Rolesville. The girls' basketball team will tip-off at 4 pm. The boys' basketball game will start 10-20 minutes after the end of the girls' game. PTA will be selling concessions and our HMS Pep Band will perform as well. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time on GoFan ( or at the gate for $6. Come out and support the Patriots!

Now is the time to start signing up for Spring Sports! We offer boys/girls track, softball, and boys soccer during the Spring. Please do not wait until the last minute. The deadline to sign up is February 14. To make sure you are eligible and 100% cleared to try out, read through the information on our HMS Athletic Website: There are two main parts to signing up:

  1. Parents, please make sure all parts of Dragonfly are completed and approved. You must use the WCPSS-approved forms. For physicals, you can go to any urgent care to have them completed. You do not need to see your PCP to complete them.

  2. Students, please complete the Ticket to Play at If you do not, we will not be able to check on your Dragonfly information.

If you have any questions, please email our Athletic Director, Luke Miles, at 


PTA Updates

  1. Our first meeting of the year will be held this Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center. Hope you can join us!

  2. HMS PTA Spirit Night will be Wednesday, January 15 at Chipotle from 5-9 PM.  Order online for pick-up using code WZ6972X for PTA to receive 25% of total sales!  Thank you!

  3. A NEW YEAR calls for NEW SPIRIT WEAR!! New spirit wear is now available on the HMS PTA website. Get yours today!!


As always, any questions or concerns, please reach out.  Again, Happy New Year, and we are thankful that HMS is part of your 2025!  


Amy Light, Principal