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Principal's Message December 13, 2024 (Spirit Week, Chorus is back, Musical Auditions, Yearbook Orders, Student Assignment 25-26)

Hello Patriot Families!

I hope everyone is doing well.  We had an exciting week this week!  Our basketball games have started, our cheerleaders have a cheer competition today (good luck!), our spelling bee candidates are studying away, we welcomed hopeful, future Patriots at our Open House, we started our spirit week with wearing our ugly sweaters, and we had a very special guest this week; Carrie Everett, Miss North Carolina 2024!  She spoke with some of our 7th-grade students about setting goals and how to make your dreams come true.  She is a true inspiration!  Check her out at the Miss America Pageant in January 2025!

Next week is our last full week before the holiday break!  Track 4 will be tracking out on Friday, December 20 and will return on Monday, January 27!  Enjoy that nice long break!  Tracks 1 and 3 will return on Monday, January 6 after the holiday break.


Spirit Week Next Week!

  • Monday, December 16:
    • HMS Spirit Day and Pep Rally Day - Wear your HMS apparel or school colors. (maroon, navy, & white)
  • Tuesday, December 17:
    • Holiday PJ & Socks Day - Wear your favorite winter/holiday themed PJs and/or socks.
  • Wednesday, December 18:
    • Holiday Accessories Day - Wear some fun holiday accessories. (Ex. Reindeer antler headband, elf hat, Holiday light up or bell jewelry, bows, etc.)  
  • Thursday, December 19:
    • Festive Flannel Day - Wear your favorite holiday flannel.  
  • Friday, December 20:
    • Character Day - Dress as your favorite holiday character.  (No masks are permitted and all costumes must comply with school dress code


Chorus as an Elective - Next Semester!

We are so excited to share we were able to bring chorus back!  Starting in January, students can take chorus as an elective.  Complete this form if your child is interested in changing their elective!  Any questions you may have, please reach out to your child's counselor.

  • 6th grade counselor: Ms. Swann (
  • 7th grade counselor: Ms. Peasley (
  • 8th grade counselor: Mr. Febres (


Audition for this year's Musical - Aladdin, Jr!

Are you interested in auditioning for this year's spring musical, Aladdin, Jr?  Auditions will be Tues. 1/7, Wed. 1/8 and Thurs. 1/9.  Click HERE to sign up for an audition time and to read the audition requirements!  Make sure to sign up to audition before all times are taken!  Email Ms. Royal if you have any questions at


Yearbook Ordering!

Order a yearbook today! To order, go to and use Yearbook ID Code 14402325. Please order no later than March 29th. No extra yearbooks will be available. 

Do you have a great picture you'd like to submit for possible inclusion in the 24-25 HMS Yearbook?  If so, please use this form to submit the photo for consideration.


School Assignment 2025-26 School Year!

Each year, Student Assignment prints and distributes assignment notifications that are sent home with students to notify families of a student’s school assignment for the next school year and the level of transportation the student is expected to receive. All students in grades K-5 and in grades 6-12 without PowerSchool parent portal access will receive printed notifications from their school starting Dec. 16. Track 1 families will receive their notifications by mail. 

Families with a Homebase PowerSchool account: Your student will not receive a hard copy of the assignment notification. Families will be able to sign into their PowerSchool account starting Dec. 13 and access this information by clicking on the Next Year Assignment tab. Families should contact our data manager, Sharon Clarke ( or call the school 919-562-6204) if you need support with your PowerSchool parent portal.

For more information about magnet/year-round options or transfers, check out WCPSS Student Assignment page.  



Monday, December 16 is our first conference basketball game of the season, and it's only fitting we start the season against our cross-town rival, Wake Forest. The girls' basketball team will tip-off at 4 pm. The boys' basketball game will start 10-20 minutes after the end of the girls' game. PTA will be selling concessions. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time on GoFan ( or at the gate for $6. Come out and support the Patriots!


If there are any parents out there, or maybe the business you own or work for, would like to participate as a Business Alliance Member or Patriot Partner, please reach contact Regina Watkins, our Career Development Coordinator, at  Thank you!


Have a wonderful weekend,

Amy Light, Principal