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Principal's Message November 22, 2024 (Holidays, Traditions, Spelling Bee, NCCI Math Track 1, Sports Pics, Cultural Arts, PTA Updates, Spirit Night 12/5)

Hello Patriot Families!  

As we move through November, I encourage us to pause and reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for. Whether it’s a teacher, coach, or any HMS staff member who goes the extra mile, if you could take the time to send a small message of appreciation, it would go really far!  Thank you for all your support in helping to make HMS a special place. 


Upcoming dates to know:

  • Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: School is closed for the holiday! 
  • December 2, 2024 - January 3, 2025: Application period for Teen Play Corps (TPC) program. TPC is an exciting leadership opportunity for students in 7th -10th grades. Teen Play Corps  participants develop leadership skills, build confidence, and make a difference in their community by engaging in hands-on volunteer experiences.  For more information: Marbles Teen Play Corps (
  • Tuesday, December 3: Spelling Bee - in homeroom classrooms, on the computer, this is to narrow down our top 20 candidates for the school-wide Spelling Bee.
  • Wednesday, December 4: Math North Carolina Check-in for Track 1 students
  • Wednesday, December 4: 6th-grade cultural arts performance (Greek Mythology), during their electives, provided to us by our PTA.
  • Thursday, December 5: Sports pictures
  • Thursday, December 5: Spirit Night at Panera Bread
  • Friday, December 6: Character Education Breakfast for students recognized as showing kindness and courage.  If your child was nominated, you will get an invite on Monday, November 25.  
  • Friday, December 6: Track 1 tracks out and returns Monday, January 6.  

Also, the Heritage High School Agriculture Department is selling poinsettias and wreaths!  Help support our local school community!  Order form:  Order Wreaths by November 27th and Poinsettias by December 1.


Celebration of Shared Traditions

An optional activity is being proposed to students to celebrate diversity, enrich learning, and foster social-emotional growth through shared traditions.  Students will receive a questionnaire in Canvas, from their teachers, in which they are being asked to share a holiday recipe along with a brief story about its significance. We have families from over 30 countries, and this is a great way for our students to discover more about holiday traditions globally.  I am truly looking forward to learning more about our students and sharing my family traditions.


PTA Updates:

  • The next PTA meeting is December 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center, all are welcome!
  • Basketball season is about to start and we need volunteers for concessions! This fun and easy way to help out! Click here to sign up!
  • Panera Bread Spirit Night: December 5 from 4-8p.m. HMS PTA receives 30% of the sales, so take a break from cooking and eat out for a great cause!


As always, any questions or concerns, please reach out.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Amy Light, Principal