Dear Laurel Park families,
How are we already in the last week of the 2023-24 school year? As we wrap up another fantastic year, I want to sincerely thank you for your consistent support and engagement. The year began with unwanted staffing challenges, but we celebrated numerous successes together. Our students have demonstrated incredible growth, resilience, and fun (they LOVE jokes on the announcements), and I am extremely proud of their achievements. Please take a moment to review the important information below.
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
Tracks 3 & 4: June 26th @ 1:30 pm in the gym
Please park in our main parking lot. Additional parking is available along the right side of our carpool lane. The event will conclude by 3:00 pm, in time for dismissal to begin at 3:45 pm.
Siblings are welcome to attend the ceremony but must be checked out from the Front Office before attending the Moving Up Ceremony. The sibling being checked out to attend the ceremony will meet you at the front entrance with their backpack and items. You will not need to return to the front office for checkout.
5th Graders will check out directly from the ceremony.
Due to our ongoing roofing project, families will enter at the bus loop doors beginning at 1:00 pm. Seating is “first come, first served”.
2024-25 Class Lists
All rising 1st-5th grader Tracks 3 & 4 families should expect a welcome email from their 2024-25 classroom teacher on Thursday, June 27th by 3 PM. Class lists are drafted by classroom teachers and reviewed by counselors, instructional support staff, and administrators. These are well-vetted, final lists.
Our Tracks 3 & 4 teachers are assigned as follows:
- Kindergarten Teachers:
- Track 3: Heather Millsaps / Kristen Roberts
- Track 4: Melissa McGahey / Wendy Yothers
- 1st-Grade Teachers:
- Track 3: Joleen Haynes / Bailey Schafran
- Track 4: Shantrice Bootman / Meredith Chappell
- 2nd-Grade Teachers:
- Track 3: Kelly Hurry
- Track 4: Kayla Foster / Jennifer Weiss
- 3rd-Grade Teachers:
- Track 3: Nancy Haight / Izzy Petkau
- Track 4: Emily Harmon / Sara Nichols
- 4th-Grade Teachers:
- Track 3: Kathy Worsdale
- Track 4: Alison Wynn / TBD (Candidate recommended to WCPSS HR)
- 5th-Grade Teachers:
- Track 3: Keith Hughes
- Track 4: Hayley Bruner / Megan Hurley
- Kindergarten Teachers:
2024-25 Dates to Note for Returning and New Families:
We will have a Meet the Teacher / Supply Drop-off session on July 3rd for Track 3 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM and on July 26th for Track 4 from 4:30 - 5:15 PM. This is an informal program and will be a roaming event. 2024-25 Supply Lists can be found here.
Monday, July 8th is the first day of school for Tracks 1 & 3 students.
Upcoming Events / Important Dates (Community Calendar)
- June 26: Tracks 3 & 4 5th Grade Ceremony; Last day of school for Tracks 2, 3, & 4
- June 27-28: Teacher Workdays; EOG retesting for select Tracks 2, 3, & 4 students
- July 1-5: No School; Teacher Workdays
- July 3: Meet the Teacher & Supply Drop Off for Tracks 1 & 3 @ 1:30 PM
- July 4: Holiday; Building Closed
- July 8: First day of school for Tracks 1 & 3
- July 8-11: Tracks 1 & 3 Kindergarten Staggered Entry Days; 9:30 AM - 2 PM
- July 12: Tracks 1 & 3 Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 11 AM - 12 PM
- July 15: First Full Day of School for Tracks 1 & 3 Kinders; Cheers and Tears @ 9:00 AM
- July 19: PTA's Donuts with Grown-ups @ 9:30 AM
- July 26: Happy Track Out, Track 3!; Track 4 Meet the Teacher & Supply Drop Off @ 4:30 PM
- July 29: First day of school for Track 4
- July 29-Aug. 1: Track 4 Kindergarten Staggered Entry Days; 9:30 AM - 2 PM
- Aug. 2: Track 4 Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 11 AM - 12 PM
- Aug. 5: First Full Day of School for Track 4 Kinders; Cheers and Tears @ 9:00 AM
- Aug. 9: PTA's Donuts with Grown-ups @ 9:30 AM
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Needs Parents' Help!
Traditionally, our 4th-grade families assist with the 5th-grade moving up by decorating before the event, serving refreshments and cleaning up after the event. We are looking for any volunteers who can help with Wednesday's event. Please click the link and sign up if you are available: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F044CA4AF29A3FA7-2023#/ . Thank you!
End-of-Year Medicine Pick-Up
An adult must pick up all remaining medication(s) on your child's last day of school. Medication(s) cannot be sent home on the bus. All unclaimed medication will be discarded 10 school days after your child's last school day. Please contact Karen Franklin at krfranklin@wcpss.net or 919-290-2333 with any questions.
Check Lost and Found Before June 28!
All items will be washed and donated to Dorcas Ministries at the end of the month as the school prepares for the new school year.
End-of-Year Survey and Academic Results
We had 147 responses (about 20% of our families) on the Family Survey. Though the number of responses and percent agreement decreased from last year to this year, families generally responded in favor of Laurel Park. Overall feedback in the open-response section included consistent communication from teachers, increasing school-sponsored events (e.g., interactive events, curriculum nights), and sharing dates/times of school events at the beginning of the year.
Our preliminary End-of-Grade results were returned, and our students performed extremely well with an overall increased percent proficiency across all three grade levels. Official school results will be released at the end of July and SAS will release growth index scores in October.
EOG Test | % Proficient |
Reading (3rd-5th Grades) | 75% |
Math (3rd-5th Grades) | 82% |
Science (5th Grade) | 82% |
Laurel Park Character Strengths
Each month, a selected character strength is highlighted in the morning announcements and discussed during your child's Classroom Huddle/morning meeting. In June, we will focus on Optimism -- You have hope and confidence about the future.
Friendly Reminders
- LPES Family Handbook
- Please remind your child to check the lost and found area in the cafeteria. We will donate lost and found items quarterly.
- Each child needs a labeled set of extra clothes to keep in their backpack or cubby. This is not just for bathroom accidents! The Front Office does not have extra clothes to give to students.
- Interested in volunteering at LPES? Register at www.wcpss.net/volunteer
- Students who arrive at school after 9:15 AM must be signed in by the parent/guardian via the QR code on the front door. Early check-out ends at 3:15 PM.
2024-25 LPES Information
July 1-5 Teacher Workdays
LPES staff begin the 24-25 school year during the week of July 1. This is a time to set the stage for the upcoming year, refresh or set up classrooms, and prepare for students' return on July 8 or 29. The building will be open on July 1-3 and 5 from 8:30 AM - 4 PM. We will have limited staff on campus on Friday, July 5th. We look forward to welcoming Tracks 1 and 3 on Monday, July 8th!
New Bus Delay Notification System
The WCPSS Technology Services and Transportation departments have developed a new notification system to let families know when there are disruptions to bus service. The system will be used at all schools across the district starting with the 2024-25 school year. The new system will send email and text notifications when buses are delayed, or when a bus is unavailable to pick up students. These messages will be sent as soon as transportation staff learn of a disruption. The system is designed to more quickly notify parents so they can make alternate arrangements when necessary. You can still track your child’s bus using the Here Comes the Bus app. There will also be a link on our school website that will display bus delays. We will share that link in a future message.
IMPORTANT: This new system uses SchoolMessenger. You will need to make sure you have permissions turned on to receive these notifications. See information and instructions below.
What this means for you
Starting with the 2024-25 school year, families of bus riders will be sent notifications in the event of bus delays or cancellations. To receive these messages, you will need to make sure you have given permission to receive text and/or email notifications via SchoolMessenger. This is the same system used for districtwide messaging, separate from TalkingPoints or other communications services.
How can I make sure I’m signed up to receive these messages?
If you receive the weekly district-wide message sent on Wednesdays, you should be able to receive bus notifications without taking any further action. If you do not receive those weekly messages, go to wcpss.net/schoolmessenger to learn how you can sign up to receive notifications. The simplest option may be to simply text YES to the number 67587. That should automatically allow you to begin receiving text notifications.
Share any feedback you have about the system using this Google Form.
2024-25 Volunteer Renewal Process
Families who were approved to volunteer in the 2023-24 school year received an email on June 1 outlining the simple volunteer renewal process for the 2024-25 school year. Please renew your volunteer status during the renewal window, July 1-Oct. 1. Review details at wcpss.net/volunteers.
Rising Kindergarten Orientation (Newsletter) (Presentation Slides)
2024-25 School Meals Price Increase
Last week, our School Board approved a 25-cent price increase for school meals for the 2024-25 school year. At elementary schools, full-paid breakfasts will increase to $1.75 and full-paid lunches will increase to $3.50. The price increase is necessary to cover rising costs of food, supplies, and wages and benefits for staff.
Add Your Track Calendar to iCal
WCPSS created Tracks 1, 3, & 4 PDF and iCal calendars for families to access. The iCal link will automatically add your track's calendar to your phone or computer's calendar application. 2024-25 Year-Round calendar by track:
Meet the Teacher & Supply Drop-Off
Our 2024-25 Meet the Teacher and Supply Drop-off is Wednesday, July 3 from 1:30-3:00 PM (Tracks 1 & 3) and Friday, July 26 from 4:30-5:15 PM (Tracks 4). The PTA partners with Sprout School Supplies for grade-level kits. More information will be shared about Sprout School Supplies at a later time. Next year's school supply lists are posted on the school's website.
Health Plan Updates & Renewals!
Nurse Heide must speak to a parent or guardian to reassess a student’s health care needs before she can renew any health plans. If you have a student who has medications at school, a new 1702 form will be required when the new school year begins in July. Your doctor may complete the 1702 form anytime after April 1, 2024, and it will be valid for the 24-25 school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Nurse Heide can be reached at 919-524-1894 or hcassimatis@wcpss.net.
Tears & Cheers for Kinder Families
Join representatives from our PTA under the shade structures on the playground after morning drop-off on your child's first full day of kindergarten. This is a perfect time to meet other kinder families. Light refreshments will be provided.
Donuts with Grown-ups! Learn about the LPES PTA
Swing by LPES on Friday, July 19 (Tracks 1 & 3) or Friday, August 9 (Track 4) from 9:30-10:15 AM. Have a donut and mingle with families while learning about the PTA, annual events, and ways to support. This is an adult-only event.