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January 5, 2025, Mustang News

Mustang Families,



Welcome to 2025 and our first Mustang News of the year! We hope that you had a restful winter break and, for those who traveled, made it to and from your destinations safely. We look forward to seeing each of you tomorrow morning.



Thank You: The Martin staff would like to thank all the families who donated desserts for us to enjoy prior to break. Each person was able to select from a wide assortment of wonderful treats to share with their family or eat before they made it home!



Missing Work: All missing work for the 2nd quarter is due on Wednesday to allow teachers time to evaluate and record prior to the end of the quarter, which is January 17th. Students, please check Canvas, PowerSchool and with your teachers about what needs to be completed.



8th Grade AIG Family Meeting: We will host a meeting for parents of 8th grade students currently identified as gifted or in the talent development program to discuss transitions to high school and other opportunities on Monday, January 6th at 7:30am. The meet link is



Congratulations: Congratulations to the members of the Band Department for an outstanding Winter Concert. We are proud of our entire Performing Arts Department for an excellent concert season.



Student Council News: The Martin Student Council is holding a toy drive, in conjunction with NC Cancer Kids First to support young pediatric cancer patients by improving their quality of life and well-being. If interested in participating, please donate items from the 2023 Wish List MCH. Items can be dropped off at the front office or in Ms. Snider’s room (rm 1007) between 7-7:30am.



National Junior Honor Society: The Martin NJHS is accepting applications for 6th and 7th graders for second semester induction. The interest form must be completed by January 22nd. More information can be found on our school website calendar.



AMC 8: The registration deadline for the American Mathematics Competitions 8 is Wednesday, January 8th. This is a hard deadline. More information can be found here.



Good Luck: We wish our students who are auditioning for All-District Band on Saturday the best of luck! We know you will do well.



Student Survey: As part of our School Improvement Plan, we will conduct a short survey of all students with questions that come directly from the District’s annual Student Survey that will assist our team in programming. Students will take this survey during the advisory portion of their lunch period.



January Martin Family Coffee: Due to the change in calendar and conflicts with other school events, we will not have a Family Coffee in January. We will have our February Martin Family Coffee on Friday, February 7th. 



Clubs On The Ranch This Week:

Thursday:    Debate Club, 2:15-4:00 in Ms. Snider’s room (1007)

Friday:         FFA, 2:30-4:00 in the Cafeteria. Contact Ms. Neal

( with questions.



Mustang Sports On The Ranch This Week:

All games/matches begin at 4pm, unless otherwise noted. Tickets can be purchased in advance at GoFan or at the gate for $6. Please note: we will not accept bills larger than $20 at the gate.


Thursday     Basketball @ Ligon


~ Ms. Mondora