November 17, 2024 Mustang News
Mustang Families,
Winter Concert Season: Winter Concert Season has officially arrived for the Martin Performing Arts Department. Our first concert of the year will be this week and will feature our Dance program. Please join us on Thursday, November 21st, at 7pm in the Martin Auditorium for this concert. The Choral program will perform on December 5th.
All-County Band: Best of luck to Ms. Giambusso and the 11 Martin band students who will participate in the All-County Band Clinic and Concert on Thursday and Friday.
NJHS: On Friday, the Martin chapter of the National Junior Honor Society inducted 67 new members to the organization. Congratulations to those inducted as you demonstrate academic excellence as well as civic and social responsibility.
Congratulations: Congratulations to our Martin soccer and football teams who finished their seasons with strong records and improvements. Football finished the year 3 and 3 and soccer finished 4 and 2. Congratulations to the players, managers and coaches on great seasons.
Mr Alexander: Mr. Alexander and his wife welcomed a son to their family at the end of October. While he is taking leave, we are lucky to have Mr. Livengood join our team as an interim assistant principal. Mr. Livengood has served as a teacher, assistant principal and principal in Wake County and will support our 6th grade students, families and teachers. Welcome Mr. Livengood!
American Indian Heritage Month: November is American Indian Heritage Month and an opportunity to honor and celebrate the history and heritage of the American Indian people in our state and across the country.
National Homeless Youth Awareness Month: November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. If you have questions regarding supports for students or families struggling with housing needs, please contact Martin's social worker, Teresa Barnes (, at 919-881-4970 ext.27418.
Say Something: On Friday, all students participated in the Say Something training. Say Something is an anonymous tip line that allows students to report concerns and help keep our community safe. I encourage all families to read more about the system: Say Something
Art Contest: The 2025 North Carolina Aviation Art Contest is open with entries due by January 17, 2025. This year’s theme is “Women with Wings.” Details about age groups, contest rules and prizes can be found on the NCDOT Aviation Art Contest website.
Yearbook: The yearbook staff is working hard on creating this year's book, but we could use fall pictures (outdoor fall festivals, sporting events, other school activities, etc.)! Here is the link to submit pictures: Fall pictures for the yearbook. You can purchase the 2025 yearbook here: Martin Yearbook.
8th Grade Families: Early College applications opened on Monday, October 14th. The application period is October 14 - December 12. Apply online
8th Grade Families: Celebrate your 8th grade student for their accomplishments and achievements this school year. Purchase a Yearbook Recognition Ad today! All ads must be purchased and completed by January 31, 2025. Click this link to order your ad:
Clubs On The Ranch This Week:
Tuesday: Builders Club, 2:30-3:30 in the Media Center
Wednesday: Garden Club, 2:30-3:30 in Ms. Bennett’s room (3005)
Thursday: Student Council, 2:20-3:15 in Ms. Snider’s room (1007)
FCCLA Meeting, 2:30-3:30 in Ms. Bradley’s room (2001)
Mustang Sports This Week:
Winter sports tryouts are this week. Students must have a 100% complete Dragonfly account to try out. Contact Mr. Basaldu,, with any questions. The schedule for tryouts is:
Boys basketball - Monday (11/18) and Tuesday (11/19) from 2:30-4:00.
Girls basketball - Wednesday (11/20) and Wednesday (11/21) from 2:30-4:00.
Cheer - Monday (11/18) from 2:30-4:00.
From the PTA:
Please be sure to read the weekly PTA newsletters which includes information about spirit wear holiday orders!
Click here to read!
~ Ms. Mondora