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May 19, 2024 Mustang News

Good evening Mustang Families. We hope you are having a wonderful weekend. As a reminder, Martin and all Wake County Schools will be closed on Monday, May 27th, for Memorial Day.


Lost and Found: Students are encouraged to check Lost and Found in the cafeteria and gym as we have a great deal of personal items that will be discarded at the end of next week.



Carpool Students: As the weather has warmed, we ask that carpool students wait outside until 7am when staff is on duty.



Under the Stars: This year’s 8th Grade Dance is scheduled for Friday, May 31st, from 6:30-8:30. Please see the linked permission form with all the needed information about the dance.



7th Grade End of Year Celebration: The 7th grade team is planning an end of year celebration for all 7th graders on June 11th. To pay for pizza/DJ:

 (you will need to provide your student ID #). Volunteers and support with snacks are needed and you can sign up here:  Volunteer Help and Snacks and Drinks



World Language Testing: World Language Testing begins on Monday, May 20th and should be completed by Friday, May 24th. Please reach out to your student’s teacher with questions.


Library Books: All library books are due to the Media Center by May 28th. Students who have lost books should see Ms. Carr this week.


Attention Artists: Raleigh students enrolled in grades K-12 are invited to participate in the Micromobility Program’s first Spring Art Contest hosted by the City of Raleigh. Contest entries will be accepted now through Friday, May 31st. You can find comprehensive details about the contest by visiting the following link: It is a great chance to have your artwork displayed in the downtown Raleigh area!


Debate Club: Debate club will participate in a debate tournament on May 23rd. Contact Ms. Snider ( with questions.


FFA Banquet Celebration: The FFA Banquet Celebration is on Monday, May 20th, at 5:30 in the Martin Cafeteria. Members will celebrate the year as an FFA Charter and highlight all the member accomplishments. Email Ms. Neal ( if you have any questions!


EOG/EOC Information Reminders: We will offer a few reminders about testing this week.

  • Students are reminded to fully charge their Chromebook each night and bring their charger to school during testing. We do not have extra charging cords for each student so having their charger will be important.
  • We also want to remind families that we will not check students out of class during the testing block each day as we must maintain an optimal testing environment.
  • Students should wear comfortable clothes during testing. They should also come with a sweatshirt that can be put on/taken off as needed. Blankets are to stay home.
  • An additional reminder that phone, smartwatches, and air pods/earbuds are not allowed in the testing setting. All phones must be powered down prior to the beginning of testing and placed in bookbags. Smartwatches and air pods/earbuds should be left at home.


Missing Assessment/Assignments: The last day to submit missing assessments and assignments is June 3rd. Students are encouraged to check with teachers as well as on Canvas and PowerSchool for work that needs to be submitted.



Student Survey: All students will take a Student Survey over the next couple weeks to share feedback on their experience at Martin. For more information about the survey: Student Survey.



Clubs on Campus: There are no clubs on campus this week.



Athletics: The Spring Sports season has officially come to a close and we congratulate all the athletes and coaches for outstanding seasons. We are proud of their competitiveness and sportsmanship this year!



From the PTA: 

Congratulations: On Wednesday at our General PTA Meeting, the 2024-25 Officers were voted on and congratulations to the new Board:

  • President: Bryan Cates
  • Vice President: Missy Currin
  • Secretary: Langdon Harris
  • Treasurer: Victoria Wheeler Rectanus
  • Board Members At-Large: Erin Capps, Amy Leden, Meredith Hammer, Ushma Oldham
  • Advocacy: Leigh Duke
  • Audit: Anna Townsend
  • Hospitality: Ginger Atkis
  • Membership/Big Red/Communications: Leah Rosen



Thank You: As the year begins to wind down, we would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to the current Board and Contacts for all the work they did and continue to do to support the Martin community.

  • Erin Capps, President
  • Haley Tury, Vice President
  • Ginger Atkis, Secretary
  • Jessica Dixon, Treasurer
  • Leah Rosen-Schrag, Communications
  • Beth Ellsworth, Social Media


Attention 8th Grade Families: Would you like a yard sign congratulating your 8th grader? This is an optional purchase for $15. Please see the signup genius for more details.



Thank you, Mustang Families, and have a wonderful evening.